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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by gyroprotagonist

  1. pretty soon it will be that they can't use the teleporters powered by whatever the fuck RayDog is working on, but it's OK to use the teleporters powered by cold fusion.
  2. Big Pearl won't let that happen. They need to feed the beast and drive demand for all the clutching of their products.
  3. JFC, did this creep pull the popcorn trick during class when projector was running?
  4. does not look like a typical walk around and get scared type deal. the one clip looked like they were pouring shit (literal shit) on them and burying them alive in it while they were in a hole.
  5. catch me up. is "let's go brandon" just for people who are too afraid to just straight up say "fuck joe biden"?
  6. This. none of this stuff is based off of technical capability or where it stands vs its competition, imo. These alts will follow the pumping/dumping the whales do on BTC and sol seems to be one of the first coins that money flows into after that. the % gain on sol *should* be better than BTC or ETH. letting it ride for now. I first bought some about 2 months ago to do sol nfts lol. the gasless tx are pretty freaking awesome, but too much traffic and it gets wonky still. but now it's the leader in the clubhouse % wise in my coinbase pro trading account. Still holding way more ETH right now for nft flipping in other accounts though, but i generally don't convert that to fiat if i can help it.
  7. you can also mod your genny to run on LP or NG. I did it to a Honda2000 and keep a 100lb tank of LP for it. I did not want to mess with storing gas/rotating it etc...
  8. it's basically a lord of the flies type deal trying to show people breaking down and what their limits are. agree that getting into the structure of the captors would be interesting. like how were they treated like shit and locked in their cells but allowed to carry guns where they could most certainly mutiny. need to spend an ep from season two on the subway slap guy. that guy fucks
  9. yep, mostly in sol, wluna, eth and picked up some ltc last week. hopefully those run hard first and can snare some profit to put into alts that are starting their run.
  10. just like there were some poker players that moved to Mexico so they could play online without hassles from the US gov, there might be traders that would move to a no-tax country. Hell, there are people I know in some of the NFT discords that claim they are looking at $300-400K in taxes for 2021 gains. based on their sales i have seen, i tend to believe them. will interesting to see if ex-pat populations spring up in other countries.
  11. hopefully btc can run sideways for a while and the money will pour into alts. at least that's how i am loaded.
  12. i know you can get codes to get back to your google account in general. i had not seen where you could get codes specific to Google authenticator after the fact when i was searching around. yes the GA app. you can export your codes. I was just saying do this before you wipe your phone if you are trading it in or whatever.
  13. i'll add something - make SURE you transfer over any Google Authorize tokens before you reset. These are the 2FA codes that have little timer on them. was a huge pain in the ass to go through all mine to reset and link them to my new phone.
  14. 80% of buyers for an NTF drop are looking to quick flip imo. maybe 10% will hold no matter 'cause they believe in the project and 10% just stumbled in and wonder why they are underwater 30 minutes after reveal. what the team does after the reveal dump shows if they will make it or not. some of the pfp catch on either through work the devs put in prior to launch with shilling, influencers, or some utility (daos have been the buzz the last month). I have liquidated some stuff and am even looking to sell some more at a loss to get liquidity for taxes and buying opportunities that should present itself in the coming months. nfa, but I think eth may go on a run and then might further drive down prices on nfts. it's encouraging to see crypto advertised heavily during cfb and the baseball playoffs.
  15. @The Royal We congratz, dude!!!! TRW, snagged 2 mekas! floor is 6e right now
  16. if they deliver on a playable mech in a mmpog, then it will be epic. that IF is grand canyon sized though. other than ogling the twitter and discord numbers, i have not dug into the project much to see about actual development. I am sure this sale will the seed money to work on the bulk of the project. that's how most of the games are going these days. proof of concept, sell the nft, then most of the dev work happens. no one can deliver a quality game right up front with out funding. if they do it's a scam or they are using cheap or free open source gaming code.
  17. it was only open for 3 hours yesterday, so i think it's closed at this point.
  18. PSA - these will be yuge. https://themekaverse.com/ you can enter your wallet for a shot at getting a mint slot. 200K in their discord so there's jim carey.gif chance of getting a slot, but you never know.
  19. so is anyone keeping score of Devil worshiping human sacrifices vs God worshiping human sacrifices? is there like a big board somewhere?
  20. this sold out in like 3 seconds. thought i had a few but took the L
  21. something is up with discord invites across the space this morning. seen on several sites that there are issues. these whales have been trying out these floor sweeper bots and scooping up old stalled projects where the floor is under mint. it optimizes the eth spent for mass purchases or something. seen a lot of dead ass projects jumpstarted, but beware the dump for sure.
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