i ended up fomo'ing in to this. i hate this format, great for the dev and great for extracting top dollar from the buyer. the fomo was insane during the auction. during the last hour they picked a number between 1 and 50 and the auction did not end until an rng hit that number. so bids kept going up and up because the end was not known.
the first day of bids, the winning floor we .47, Day 2 was .87 and day 3 was .84. I actually bid .87 (for 3 of them) on day 2, but was to far down on the list to get 1 of the 3K wassies. So i was planning on just getting my money back after the auction on day 3. but the bid carried over and hit on day 3. so now my eth locked up for another 3 days. very stressful.
ended up being ok. sold 2 of them right after we got them for 1.9 and 1.4. i thought these would take off so held the last one, but they started stalling so dumped the last one for .75. they may rise again, but I am glad to be out and liquid again.
congrats to @The Royal We and anyone else that still has a roboto. those soared past 1eth today.