what is the royalty % for the bossybear? That's pretty interesting dynamic that the devs are giving up a portion of the royalty.
only selling 2K out of 11K is not great but you never know when something can take off.
if you want passive type income, check out my crypto raider post from earlier or these art.gen passes that are hot right now https://opensea.io/collection/gen-dot-art?collectionSlug=gen-dot-art&search[sortAscending]=true&search[sortBy]=PRICE&search[toggles][0]=BUY_NOW
- They have just released their 2nd free art piece in about a month. I sold the first piece for .24 this morning but missed the peak of .3 by a little. probably should have just held it but i'll take $800. going to wait on the 2nd piece and see how it all settles, but ones like the variety I have are going for .35-.55 right now. That would almost cover my initial buy in on the pass. Sure wish i would have seen these when they minted at .1 but i took the plunge and bought in at .85 a few weeks ago.