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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by gyroprotagonist

  1. if you tack on a rider about permanently shutting the fuck up about the PUF and it's really just like 4 games a decade i'm in.
  2. [Baylor Baseball Player] Mom? [/Baylor Baseball Player]
  3. what is the royalty % for the bossybear? That's pretty interesting dynamic that the devs are giving up a portion of the royalty. only selling 2K out of 11K is not great but you never know when something can take off. if you want passive type income, check out my crypto raider post from earlier or these art.gen passes that are hot right now https://opensea.io/collection/gen-dot-art?collectionSlug=gen-dot-art&search[sortAscending]=true&search[sortBy]=PRICE&search[toggles][0]=BUY_NOW - They have just released their 2nd free art piece in about a month. I sold the first piece for .24 this morning but missed the peak of .3 by a little. probably should have just held it but i'll take $800. going to wait on the 2nd piece and see how it all settles, but ones like the variety I have are going for .35-.55 right now. That would almost cover my initial buy in on the pass. Sure wish i would have seen these when they minted at .1 but i took the plunge and bought in at .85 a few weeks ago.
  4. yeah, it is cheap to move ETH to poly, but not the other way around so it seems. next time i need to do that i will give it a try. it claiming it's instant is also nice vs the 45+ mins the Pos bridge takes.
  5. anyone used this new bridge? https://bridge.umbria.network/bridge/ supposed to be a lot faster than the Pos Ether bridge on the polygon website. I was messing around and it would not let me move .5 ETH of poly. Had to lower it to .3 and then fee was going to be .0255 (~$80). Thought it would be a lot cheaper. upon further review, it's really cheap to send from Eth mainnet to poly, but not i guess not the other way around. Was hoping for a cheap way to take ZED and Crypto Raider earnings back to the ETH mainnet.
  6. props to @The Royal We for tagging me on this.
  7. there are about 1000 students + ~200 staff at my kids' school (K-12th). 19 total cases right now so ~1.5%. they have been 100% masked to start the year and did a bunch of drive through vax deals last year to encourage the older kids to get theirs. masks seem to be working. sucks they have to do another year with them but maybe 2nd semester they can revisit if cases are down.
  8. Ivermectin? I barely know 'em the guy in the 12 spot for our draft went Kyler and Dak with his back-to-back 3rd and 4th round picks. dafuq?
  9. go to a doc and get some steroids.
  10. once the border is walled off, no more rapes since 100% of all crime was committed by illegals.
  11. i minted 3 of these today https://lostpoets.xyz/#discover not too sure i understand what they are, but this 'pak' is revered in nft space. so much that he/it/they sold 65000 units at .32 per. a cool $82m or so before lunch.
  12. Lol. Reese witherspoon just tweeted about buying some eth.
  13. crap like concert tickets where you get the fans to buy/possess the nft from the band then the website checks you wallet before letting you purchase the tickets. I mean eventually people would probably sell the nft to scalpers but then no one can bitch about it since they had the chance to keep the token and get access to all concerts at face value. also a good source of revenue for the band for royalty fees with each sale. I could see popular bands' tokens commanding very high prices on the open market.
  14. tend to agree but i got into all this when ETH was $4K. just depends what your risk tolerance is and how much of a starting war chest you want. but people who want to only dabble with < $1000 will be turned off by high cost entry + high gas cost. I will throw this out as something to watch. https://opensea.io/collection/gen-dot-art?collectionSlug=gen-dot-art&search[sortAscending]=true&search[sortBy]=PRICE&search[toggles][0]=BUY_NOW it's basically a membership to an art group where you can get free mints and access to paid drops from various generative artist. This token is what grants you access. The price is very volatile but there was a free mint this morning and that is selling for .49 or so but the token might drop in value throughout the day as people get the free mint and then want to dump the membership token. I bought one at .8 about a week ago but they have swung up to 2eth and then back down to 1 eth due to small # of listings (250 out of 5K) at any given time.
  15. LOL i went through the EE program with Rayfes. good times.
  16. beer will stay good on CO2 for quite a while. way longer than week. it's not like getting a keg for an outdoor party where you pressurize by using the handpump and putting air in to the keg. air oxidizes the beer and give it that cardboard-ish taste after a while. a lot of kegs will come in 5gal sizes as well. I think you are wanting to have the taps come through the counter top, yes? That's obviously permanent-ish so choose location wisely. I bought a stainless steel clad medical fridge and then converted that to a kegerator (drilled holes, installed taps) but it's a free standing one. i do homebrewing and use 5 gallon kegs.
  17. looks like there is a premint, but you have to sign up and then shill for the discord and maybe post a bunch in the discord. I joined via your link, so hopefully you get credit. real mint is 2pm CST tomorrow.
  18. use this to check the price of gas https://www.blocknative.com/gas-estimator gas on the ETH mainnet has been high AF the last week or so. never really dropping down to 'good' levels Look at the base fee (from the link) its at the bottom of the page under the boxes. in the current environment, 60-70 for that has been as good as i have seen it. 80 is where i will pull the trigger on opensea buys but it's ugly right now trying to save $ on gas. just cannot be done. - there is also the inherent delay when converting from polygon ETH to mainnet ETH so even if you start the tx when gas is good, when it actually comes time to convert it could be back up again. I have not explored other avenues of conversion. I have just been using any WETH gained from ZED and buying other poly stuff like chicken derby or crypto raiders.
  19. that's the way i see it. fucking fake ass religious zealots who don't give 1 single fuck about a child or other humans in general but get to feel good about themselves for 'defending the unborn who can't defend themselves'
  20. BAYC under 40eth...just sayin'. The Mutants are under 5. Guttercats under 6 and gutterrats under 2
  21. obviously not financial advice but this nft game that is in beta just had their first recruiting event where players could pay in-game currency and then create new nft chars. these 'next gen' chars are now around .07 eth floor. the genesis chars are still holding strong at .19 or so. https://opensea.io/collection/crypto-raiders-characters?collectionSlug=crypto-raiders-characters&search[numericTraits][0][name]=Generation&search[numericTraits][0][ranges][0][max]=2&search[numericTraits][0][ranges][0][min]=1&search[sortAscending]=true&search[sortBy]=PRICE&search[toggles][0]=BUY_NOW you can sort by generation with the filters. the different races are mostly for cosmetic and recruiting bonuses and don't affect the game play. so base chars are just as valuable as rares for the most part. So the recruiting event ends on Sunday and then the in-flux of new chars will stop for a while but the market should be as buyer-friendly as it has been since mint (original mint was .01-.025) with all the new chars and people trying to sell. could go below .05. This is also on the polygon network so no gas fees for buying from OS which is a huge + right now. here is their medium page with all the recent posts https://cryptoraiders.medium.com/ with posts about recruiting and their tokennomics. it's a 'game' like ZED run is a race. You don't do anything other than equip the char prior to a dungeon run. better eq = better outcomes from the simulation. The interesting thing here is that there will be a death component. in certain dungeons that offer way better loot, there will a X% chance your char will die permanently; like your NFT is toast! This is will help with deflation and keep char prices stable in theory as chars die and need to be replaced. so full disclosure i own a ton of these chars but certainly not getting any compensation for shilling this. dyor and all that.
  22. oh shit! it's the thread police. to be fair nfts were invoked earlier in the discussion, but yeah, back to your regularly scheduled program.
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