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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by gyroprotagonist

  1. it's just old. not sure there is much you can do other seeing if the vet has any ideas or if there is something actually medically wrong causing this.
  2. peter millar has some Rangers WS Champions stuff if you are inclined for more stuff to wear while yachting. Texas Live looked insane and fun as hell last night. We strolled through there before Game2 and it was packed 4 hours before first pitch. John Smoltz trending on X last night was tremendous. Seeing all the memes and hot takes on his disdain for the Rangers was awesome. If you did not catch Raymond on with the Musers this morning, he had a badass interaction with Boch after the game. As the players were moving into the locker room for champagne fun, Raymond caught up with Boch and he said "finally got you that fucking ring, boy" (badly paraphrasing)
  3. Happy to have attended the lone Ranger loss in the series.
  4. it's right there in the comments "...written by people who use X" fucking druggies trying to cover up the truth edit to add that drew the same conclusion as Sydney RE: her name
  5. and not a single fuck will be given
  6. aggy bets $76MM +400 on Jimbo getting fired, then fires him
  7. here's hoping we crush their souls again from jump and Smolz can talk about how great their fans are and lament that we can't play this series 9 more times 'cause the snakes would clearly win them all. Maybe throw out a random superlative for the Orioles while he's at it.
  8. They got him a wheelbarrow to carry his balls around. Back was tightening up
  9. Rangers have a slight advantage given that some our relievers (assuming they aren't sucking) can go multiple innings and theirs cannot for most part. I am parroting crap i head on Ticket with Dave Raymond saying that Dback bullpen is mostly comprised of 1 inning dudes. Yes, Sborz has been a cool customer just chewing away on that bubble gum. Hope he is ok.
  10. yeah, was this like a 'Make a Wish' bad ump edition? some headscratchers for both teams yes, i know time is limited in all the SC highlights, but they don't show the pitch where Leclerc got squeezed but only the one where the batter was called back on strike 2 which was a little outside.
  11. most snowboard rentals are absolute garbage; the bindings all suck. i have had my own board and boots, but after getting the new step in bindings (and boots) they are a game changer for an old like me to not have to flop down then push up everytime out of the lift getting strapped in.
  12. tv play by play guy was on radio (ticket) this morning and said Pfaadt likes to give up the long ball. Rangers hit 3 off him earlier in the year.
  13. Checking in from sec 208. LFG!
  14. Damn! So hyped up now. Wife pulled the cell phone flop and got tix for tomorrow.
  15. there were kids in my freshman class at Texas that just thought cattle were 'pets' for ranchers and not slaughtered for meat. like legit surprised.
  16. let's get this back on track... your favorite band and genre of music is complete garbage
  17. the D got me yelling at the TV for the first effing game. seems like they went under EVERY screen and just hoped the guy missed a wide open uncontested 3.
  18. answered my question, thanks
  19. right, but the 'current business model' started with Uncle Sam bailing out the automakers and having the workers acquiesce to lower or capped wages. The automakers said thanks, then went on about the much mentioned stock buybacks etc.. to the tune of $25B of gross profit (Ford's #) this year. So yes, if you pick this specific point in time and change nothing else, having to pay higher wages somewhat changes the equation for Ford, but it's not like they are teetering on the brink of going in the red and this in the tipping point that will doom them. we only seem to care about keeping capitalism and free markets real when it benefits corporations. again, it's a neat trick that seemingly unaffected Americans white-knight big corporations and feel sympathy about them having to pay their employees more (who are subsequently demonized as lazy and not worth the wages). Like how a lot of Americans vote to give ultra wealthy tax breaks and against giving needy people 'handouts' or health insurance. Let's make America great again by going back to the 70's tax policies that saw the top bracket pay something like 80%.
  20. maybe we get the 'backup QB catches fire' this week and mudhole them. That will have to be enough to overcome 'shitty opponent offense sets multiple records' against us. cannot wait to see which trueism prevails.
  21. They had really talked themselves into thinking that Bama game was a for sure W after seeing Texas beat them and Milroe get benched/re-instated.
  22. where does the hate come from? WTF do you care how much someone else makes? please don't come back with "it raises the cost for everyone on cars". That could be said for just about every industry and we pretty much know that corps are not going to pass on ANY savings to the consumer, but just use any declines in worker salary for profit boosting and stock buy backs. Mfgs have milked the fuck out of 'supply chain' crisis and greedlflation to raise prices and keep them there.
  23. getting too hyped, like caffeine, is a sin and is to be avoided so the SM team like to ride that line between somewhat hyped and goofy.
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