yeah, if you made a service that would buy a Z1/Z2 then fractionalize it into 20-50 units. give everyone a voting token on when/if to race it, set the stud fee (or max stud fee to pay for a mare), same for selling the foal etc.. then you would have something.
Racing a horse is the least profitable aspect of ZED unless you have a top 1% horse. My horses pretty much suck at racing and have not turned a profit as a group ever. But breeding (selling covers and selling foals) has been extremely profitable so far. outside of racing new foals to see their odds, I probably only race my other horses maybe once a week.
The first service to cater to this aspect will make bank, but that's a lot of trust to give to a 'company' which would be far from establishing legitimacy. Honestly, if one of the big stables like Doofy or Poseidon were to create a service like this, i would trust it. But just because someone is first to try and monetize it does not mean they won't disappear with the horses and your money after a month.