company listed Jul 6 as date where we no longer had to get permission (HR+legal) to come back in to office. I went back in for the first time in over a year to help train a new hire last week. was planning on going back in for a few days this week, but they are moving all our desks/offices to a new part of the building (for some reason) and probably won't be ready for a while.
- They still have the policy that, even if vaccinated, everyone must wear a mask in the office. I was team mask through all this past year when i was out getting stuff, but I don't want to come back to office being fully vaxed and wear a mask all day. Hoping they get that changed. it's a huge multi-national company so policies probably take time to change, but I'll keep WFH until that gets fixed.
Even then, I plan to wfh 2-3 times per week (Tue-Thurs) but still waiting to see if the policy gets changed to officially allow that. Currently pre-covid it was 1x per week, which i never really took advantage of since i was new to the company and needed to meet as many people as possible. My commute sucks ass (30-40m each way), but the kids' school is about 3/4 of the way to the office, so have to travel up there anyway.