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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by gyroprotagonist

  1. there were a ton of recs in the 'what to buy for next grid failure' thread, which maybe we should just start keeping a separate winter and summer thread for grid failure.
  2. i think all the people that were NFT/crypto trading since 2019 or so just have had soooooooo much increase in their BTC/ETH accounts that it's basically funny money to them. - ETH was $150 per coin start of 2019 - BTC was $3600 per coin start of 2019 if you had just $5k in your ETH wallet back then it would be worth $83K today. A serious trader probably had a min of $50K in coin back then to churn with.
  3. lulz. auction for those Stella Artois skin horses about to close. Z1 up to a cool $52K; Z2 $26K https://opensea.io/assets/0x495f947276749ce646f68ac8c248420045cb7b5e/110238896312374156694779971029466237810910659616547507179685594332097742372865 I don't feel bad for ZED at 'giving up' $1M worth of horses for screwing up the drop when they can sell 10 at auction and take in more that $100K. Breeding tentatively set to open July 12th, but seems they have been wishy-washy about how firm that is.
  4. the internet would break or ragnarok would start or maybe that's just what's on tap for 2022. But yes, I had this same thought with these same posters. is that weird?
  5. the one in Dallas on E. Mockingbird looked closed driving by it yesterday. I remarked to wife that Lubys looked shuttered and 10yo daughter asked what a Luby's was. I think all the olds in Lakewood/Mstreets area have passed on to the next plane and no longer eat there. I was more team Furr's anyway.
  6. not to derail, but fuck Lennox and fuck me for agreeing to get a 'smart thermostat' installed when we got the new system put in. The HVAC/condenser are tip top and nothing wrong with them, but the thermostat has to connect through a smart hub and starting flaking out and eventually stopped communicating. The wiring is all different and I could not just slap on a dumb thermo to keep going. The tech was able to come out today and said they are no longer installing those Lennox fancy touch screen ones. - at first tried to tell me it was not possible to put a dumb one back on due to the wiring config but either had an epiphany or decided not to be a dick after 2 mins of back and forth about how there had to be some way to make it work. Then went and rigged it up to work with a dumb thermostat. Other option was to maybe get a replacement thermo by Saturday. fuck that.
  7. can you guess what day the downstairs AC went out?
  8. i was doing my part. AC was out since Sat, but now it's set to something called 0°K. Fuck entropy
  9. https://medium.com/zedcoderun/cracking-the-zed-run-code-part-9b-the-secret-to-selecting-the-right-race-mane-event-e9a3fdcd9fa7 interesting article about how a super profitable horse changes racing classes. seems intuitive (run races you are good at to rise, then do the opposite to fall) but the data supports it. - still need the U-shaped profile for this to work.
  10. I did not know that. So it should actually pay off to tip well as far as getting your job taken. are there actual scores for patrons? What does the 'diamond'/platinum' ranking system mean? Can anyone snag a good tipper's order or is there a hierarchy or pecking order for that? lastly, how often do UE drivers share their account with dipshits who have no idea what they are doing?
  11. geeze, who designed that, Schlitterbahn?
  12. it's just the "it will never happen me" mentality. And, statistically speaking, even it does, the outcome will be mild. But out of the 600K or so that have died in the US, a number greater than 0% have been healthy and young and rolled snake eyes. Not much you can do. But yet, there are still people (likely the same people) decrying like 150 cases of the heart inflammation condition supposedly due to the vaccine and not caring that this is out of 150 million vaxed people. there is no way for logic and reason to change those hearts and minds. Do what's right for you and yours, give it the ol' college try to convince those you care about and then go about your business. If unvaxed people get saved by herd immunity, great! That means it's working and those that can't get the vax yet can breathe a littler easier.
  13. agree. they do own up to it and did the right thing to shut it down, but that and $4.50 will get you a cup of coffee at Starbucks. They get to get their technical shit together pronto. Other NFTs initial drops have seen that are random drops, just have 1 buy button on their website. everything was the same price. ZED could something similar with multiple buttons for each zenotype. One for Z1, Z2 etc... and each with a corresponding price. Every other attribute is random (color, sex, etc...). That way you are not trying to load 1000s of horses individually. Just Click buy button, sign and done. you get the horse class you want. - There were issues with that approach as well when the servers are overloaded. It would take your transaction, but if the actual minted NFTs were all gone, you would get nothing and be out your purchase price and gas fee. The time it happened to me, the NFT creators refunded my money+gas fee and also minted a special 'sorry you missed out' NFT for all the people it happened to. Another NFT drop i saw, some people increased their gas fee to 100s of dollars to try and get their transaction done faster and still lost out. Some creators have refunded those and some have not. I am going to hold everything through June. If they have not fixed the drop and started the breeding, I might sell the bigger assets. could net ~2 ETH now but who knows in 2 weeks lol. Breeding is going to be such a game changer. Giving people new horses to race with an unknown potential. yeah it could come crashing down pulling a 40+ odds in the griffen, but hey, there's always next month
  14. lol, seems like a zed competitor launching today at 11am. Drone Racing https://opensea.io/collection/droneracers damn, ZED need to open up breeding pronto. maybe they wait till after they figure out their failed drop, but damn, #WENHORSESEX - if anyone what to breed their filly with my Z3, let me know anyway, there are still finds out there. I have stopped looking as I am tapped out on ETH for new horses, but this broker scored two incredible deals from an uninformed seller that he put a blind bid on. https://opensea.io/assets/matic/0xa5f1ea7df861952863df2e8d1312f7305dabf215/26041 Z4 for 1 ETH https://opensea.io/assets/matic/0xa5f1ea7df861952863df2e8d1312f7305dabf215/1430 Z3 for 1.5 ETH
  15. their regular alerts suck and never work. the only thing that sends an alert for me is when I had a successful bid or when somebody makes a bid on my item. I have the boxes checked to alert me if i get outbid or the price changes on something i have a bid on, but it has never worked. The outbidding thing really sucks as you can lose out on a great deal by .001 ETH or something if the seller pulls the trigger in the middle of the night. if you find something, pass it on the best way to get a horse under market is to do that shotgun approach of spamming bids on inactive accounts. enter your criteria on open sea side filters (Z7, filly/mare etc..) then set the main filter to 'oldest' and it will list all the horses that have never been placed for sale. a majority of these are from inactive owners. search through, check race history if needed and then place some bids. - hit rate is extremely low even if you stay on top of it. like less than 1% low. the brokers who can watch this shit all day do better at it. best example I saw is ~20 days ago, someone bought an unraced Z1 or Z2 Nak for 0.87 ETH lol.
  16. ZED fucking up maybe was a blessing in disguise. Scored this Z3 filly last night for for ~$7000 under drop cost. https://opensea.io/assets/matic/0xa5f1ea7df861952863df2e8d1312f7305dabf215/24282 it pretty much drained my account, such that if had bought even one horse in the drop, the sale would not have gone through. I had put hundreds of super low bids out there to inactive accounts and this one finally paid off. It looks like he is cashing out and selling cheap if you want to check it out. https://opensea.io/chain/matic/0x0982f8e5be6c541845e19fa90588a67734a9753b
  17. LAN party at Monkey's crib for the next drop!
  18. if you have discord, go to the ZED server and there is an echo drop FAQ room
  19. if you bought a horse, you will get the horse. @MonkeyDoughnut
  20. look I can only neglect the mountain of actual work and my kids for so long, ZED
  21. i am logged in but it goes straight to the sold out page
  22. guess it's over now? WTF never saw a picture of a real horse
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