ZED is saying that breeding will start again back half of June (after the tentatively scheduled drop hopefully next week). To breed a male horse, it costs nothing to put them up in the stud farm. If your or another owner want to breed, a fee is paid by the female horse and the male's owner gets to keep a portion of that. The game gets a cut of every breeding fee. If you breed your own horse, there is 35% discount on the fee paid.
I have not found anything that explicitly lays out how the process works.
- the male owner commits to put their horse in the stud farm for 1, 3 or 7 days (the longer the stay, the higher your cut). horses cannot race during this time. What i don't know is if the fee can be changed while in the stud farm or if you have to wait out the entire period at the set price.
here is a little google sheet that i cobbled together. you can play around with the bloodline, breed, # days etc.. to get an idea of what fees might there for putting a horse out to stud. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1AWbCuyVrsEwO1XGdN1ObYEZeLAwARxdw/view?usp=sharing
- fields in blue are the inputs.
I think it has the latest formulas as everything changed from when they briefly opened up breeding back in early April.
The market for Legendary and Exclusive Nakamotos has gone through the roof right now. Everyone is anticipating a scarcity of Nak blood in the breeding pool.