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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by gyroprotagonist

  1. yeah, i still have not found a decent filly at the right price. debating on whether to roll the dice on an unraced Buterin or pay a premium for something known and not a donkey. Although i think donkeys can breed winners, with just 1 per month, it's a lot longer ROI to try and find one.
  2. (V/R) (Q/V) what you did there
  3. saw on twitter that McD's was offering new employees an iphone if they hired on and stayed 6 months Other industries adapt to the labor market. Bite the bullet and pay people what it takes right now. Fuck, it's not like you can't fire them later and hire cheaper replacements in 3-6 months. Get some good pub out of it like the places cited above. I used to work for a electronics mfg company where we were always trying to retain and hire capable operators that did a lot of the processes that we could not automate. every 6 months some other company would land a big project and need to staff up and offer higher wages to do so. We would lose people and even have to offer more to keep our best. The big issue to the bottom line comes from when we would have to universally raise the wage floor for everyone. As the cost of hiring new operators rises, the disparity between them and the most senior operators grew. right before a mass exodus, mgmt would raise the floor to keep the majority from leaving. tldr, i think these places are more worried about raising the wages of existing employees than just offering $15/hour to attract new ones.
  4. intertial dampeners. made up tech so shit like this does not happen when they are changing speeds
  5. so can a cop stop anyone they see with a gun, ask for their ID and check for felonies? why is there not 'constitutional right to assembly 24/7' law passed by all the states? don't you have to file a permit for some protests/assemblies? how do curfew laws set by cities supersede the right to assembly set in the constitution? does the pres wanting to hold a Bible for a photo op suddenly take away the right to assemble? The 4th amdt is a joke for POC and many other Americans. fucking rubber stamped no-knock warrants then cops going in guns blazing. politicians wiretapping anyone they damn well please. People act like the 2nd amdt is the only one that is truly sacred and there should be zero limits on anyone owning a howitzer or wanting to suit up like Arnold in Commando (After they robbed the gun shop) to go get frozen yogurt. Anyway as others have said, I don't think it's going increase the amount of guns that are carried. maybe a few more broke-ass gravy seals can keep their dicks hard while getting a liter of cola at the Dimpus Burger. There was an already simple, cheap way to carry and now it's even easier i guess. kudos to the leg for rectifying the overwhelming #1 massive injustice against the people of Texas.
  6. A-Always, B-be, Looking at paid races. always look at paid races. there are only 34 of them and then the stats kinda suck at least per KYH. but the other tools site shows the same win % for paid races. this is an older horse when it was easier to get free races. These older horses were able to build a paper tiger by entering free races back in the day. us noobs can't conceive of that many free races even being available much less entered, so assume the majority of the races are all paid like we have been running. KYH seems to have recently zeroed out all P/L from free races. thought this horse was a beast that caught the plague or something. check out the odds on the last 3 races. Those are his only paid races. woof https://knowyourhorses.com/horses/1841
  7. i think the races have gotten more competitive overall. I stopped racing my Class III horse. Still racing oz and lbs in Class II, it's sorta treading water since moving up, but not great. too many stud horses there. It still has a weird profile at almost 100 races. https://knowyourhorses.com/horses/21001 sorting it by class, it looks like at Class II it's starting to form an inverse U. At class III it's no real pattern; just peaks at 1st/3rd/6th and 11th and valleys everywhere else. I will probably get to 100 races and then hold off for a bit. really just browsing the market for a mare/filly genesis either unraced or does not completely suck.
  8. Not what i was trying to say. Here is the time stamp for each race and you can see the rate change as ETH price has been going down so they are taking more ETH to keep the $2.xx entry fee per race. I think they set the exchange rate when the race is released. then extract it as you enter.
  9. looking at my Class IV horse, I only enter the $2.50 race and that has gone up from .007 ETH to .008 and now .009, so they are adjusting the amount of ETH but keeping the race value the same at $2.50 entry.
  10. the way the race prices (and prizes) are quoted are in USD, so i think it just adjusts how much ETH is paid in/out to meet a certain dollar amount.
  11. yeah, definitely should be. on one hand all the ETH i have in my account has cratered, but that means the horses are technically cheaper in USD. Is everyone else seeing that there are no races available right now?
  12. son had a class mate that was positive at school, so whole fam got the rapid test. no other testing outside that
  13. cool! hope it works out, but i just don't see the fuss to save 2.5% on a $1000 horse
  14. https://opensea.io/assets/matic/0xa5f1ea7df861952863df2e8d1312f7305dabf215/2404 This one is interesting. Z5 Genesis Finney mare. last drop they went for $3800. this one listed at $2800. I have scouring for a Genesis filly/mare to bring in to the stable before breeding starts. now only 1 race that drew 16 odds, but this was back in Dec 4th. I have heard through some messages with the kyh guy that there was a update to ZED that changed some of the horses odds quite a bit and that happened 'in Dec' but not sure on the date. so could be a gamble on if better or worse (or no change). Also, please check paid races when looking at profiles. look at this horse. https://knowyourhorses.com/horses/1841 you would think what a stud and the last 3 races where it drew 45 odds was some kind of glitch. but those were the only paid races of its life. I have been able to enter exactly 1 free race in all my time here and only seen 2 pop up when i am looking for races. so i just assumed the vast majority of races are paid and that W is a W, but the comp level is way better in paid vs free.
  15. my horse just moved up to Class II. It went on a tear and won a lot races but did not get any 11th or 12th finishes. need to slip him the mickey. if you have not read this breeding post by the guy that does knowyourhorses, it's worth a read. https://knowyourhorses.com/blog/an-intro-to-genetic-algorithms-and-zed
  16. yeah don't know too much about it. only the seller pays the fee, so it's really of no benefit to you. if you want the horse via open sea, offer to pay the 2.5%. That's a whopping $26 using ETH at $3500 as an example. Jumping through hoops to save $26 seems iffy to me. If you were buying a Z2 Nakamoto for $20K, then yeah that would save the seller $500. It's a good horse and at .3ETH that is a GREAT deal for that profile and G-race odds + Genesis. I hope it's legit, but offer to pay the fee and see what they say. if the deal gets hung up for $26, then it's a scam. or maybe offer to meet at a well lit Target parking lot to make the exchange.
  17. yeah, i would like think you can breed a curve profile with another curve profile and get a somewhat expected outcome (if you did it 100 times a pattern would emerge), but you can't do that really. Mares can birf 2 per month. I think top players probably got to beta the breeding and run some sims. remember that horse that someone linked where it had the worst curve. almost totally J-shaped. https://knowyourhorses.com/horses/7042 You can kinda see how that curve was formed. This is only the bottom of the chart lol. Anyway, this poor bastard has some good original blood from https://knowyourhorses.com/horses/6682 a good Z10 Buterin Gen i wish more of the horses had longer race histories, but if you squint you can sorta see a pattern emerge. But, if you had an idea about how to shape curves over generations of horses, you could turn all this 'trash' that is being sold right now into something. It's kinda why i might start looking to snap up cheap genesis fillys just to have more breeding stock to play around with. But agree, when breeding starts, market is going to flooded with horses. I think that will be the time to snag some Legendary Nakamotos to add some fancy horse to the stables.
  18. that horse just moved up to class 1 and it did win the first race, but maybe they are waiting for breeding to open up and did not want to have a blemish on their record? But yeah, they could be making 1ETH per day racing probably. Maybe ZED put the halt on that horse for some reason. - I am still unclear on if you can charge whatever you want for the stud service or if it is some set amount based on bloodline etc... There is always going to be some insider shit going on between the top players and the devs. yeah, you need to shift that curve, lol. would be a beast. but keep racing in V if you can. I have seen that having the best odds in a race can also mean you will finish 11th or 12th and that should be viewed as good unless you are already strong in Class I. This horse can sometimes work it's way down to class V https://knowyourhorses.com/horses/15694 fucking LOL But see how it finished 12th at his best distance in class V? It had the best odds, but was sorta 'rewarded' with a 12th place finish.
  19. fuck it. who cares what works. I think Walmart just said that employees and customers that are vaxxed don't need masks. which just means, no masks are required. I think that policy is fair. Other retailers will probably move to that strategy. just post it on the door and update your employee policy. If a store is still 'recommending' masks, I'll take it out of my pocket and put it on for now. Specs was that way and it was still ~80% wearing masks in Dallas last week. If the employees are not wearing them, then they should not be required.
  20. couple of observations - File under no shit, but racing only the cheapest races has really improved my winning % and 11th place finishes (still can't get any 12th). Running even the $4-5 races was causing lots of 3rd place and middle finishes. https://knowyourhorses.com/horses/21001 64 races and no real curve yet. I think if i can be patient and stick to the cheap races, i might start seeing a better pattern. - prices on unraced and <5 raced genesis seem to be coming down. may try to grab some female Buterins Z7/Z8 if they get to $600 range. Breeding - has anyone seen anything online about real strategy? I have been trying to see how different finish curves propagate or what curves might make a solid U-shape, but had not found much online from the older players who have had the chance to do it. - Take Steph Curry. here are his parents and grandparents and their curves. Hopefully this shows up. So it was not like Steph had perfect U-shaped parents or even grandparents. pretty much the opposite of U-shaped. Had a great-grandmother that had a good win/place/show profile. His Dad has a crap profile. Steph has 6 siblings again, hopefully this shows up. Same pops, different moms. mom is on upper row and sibs are on the bottom. only one really has a pretty good U or closer to V shaped curve. You can see the 5th pair - the mom had a V shaped curve, but combined with dad's crappy curve, the result is inverse U. Same for the 3rd pair. So, breeding is going to be random as hell.
  21. interesting analysis. the lower end Buterins were able to sell for big multipliers.
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