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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by gyroprotagonist

  1. can someone do me a favor? look at my stable and tell me how many horses are in there: https://zed.run/stable/ncp-sombra weird glitch for several hours now. I had put a bid on a horse. It looked liked the owner then took down the auction and the horse disappeared. on and off the amount would show deducted from my WETH in ZED, but a refresh would always come back with the right amount. Then l look just now and the 2nd horse is showing up, but sometimes my wallet has full amount and sometimes it does not. metamask wallet is showing full amount and horse is not showing up in my opensea/metamask account. - horse is https://zed.run/racehorse/21001. knowyouhorses still shows it as in the other stable, but that can be slow to change most times. crazy shit. i would like to keep and pay for the horse. it could be a monster. but who knows what is going on.
  2. if want a horse that looooves finishing 4th, then take a gander at my pride and joy, Energy Rush: https://knowyourhorses.com/horses/21743 I am entering as many cheap races as i can to take data. I seen talk of a U-shaped finish profile being ideal, meaning lots in the money and lots in 11th/12th.
  3. like transfer within the game? I asked ZED support about merging an email and metamask account a few days ago, but have not heard back. I just bit the bullet and transferred everything manually.
  4. yeah from having fucked this thing up on my own, here is what i would do in order 1) create metamask account, no need to fund right away. this wallet address will be used by ZED and opensea (PM me your seed phrase, jk...) 2) create Zed account using metamask to log in (don't use email to create account) 3) link metamask to opensea.io. should just go to website and click on wallet icon and it will do it automactically. 4) in ZED, transfer ETH from any other wallet (or you can buy with CC). This will show up as ETH in ZED and metamask wallet 5) Transfer ETH to WETH with in ZED account. This will take some time and yes the fees are horrendous. It varies by time of day, so you can check around. Now that you have WETH in ZED, this will show up as ETH (Matic) in your metamask account. This can be used to buy stuff off of opensea.io. As far as I can tell, you cannot just use regular ETH to buy ZED horses from open seas. it has to be converted. This WETH will also fund your racing entry fees and any winnings will also be put into this account. ZED was very specific that only WETH (transferred in game) would work for buying horses. The transfer can take hours (last i did it, it only took ~20 mins) so when the drop happens, be sure to get it in early.
  5. i ended up selling https://zed.run/racehorse/7953. made .15ETH (~$600) off the sale. The horse was not winning, but was placing enough to keep at class III. in just talking with one of the sellers on Discord, the guy who owns this horse https://knowyourhorses.com/horses/26271 said he turned down a 5 ETH offer. said he made .5 ETH in winnings yesterday. So if you can form a ROI monster, those can be sold for big bucks.
  6. so see my reply from 1 minute ago for details of my 2 ZED accounts. one with metamask and one with just email funded with ETH --> WETH using ZED wallet. So i'll just chronical what happened to me - used only me email to create ZED account. brought in ETH and the before drop converted to WETH (only to never get a link to drop) - Got metamask working, then used metamask to sign in to ZED. Could not see the ETH/WETH in my email only account. Logging back into email only account, it said i could not transfer horses into this account w/o metamask. So i ate the fee and withdrew WETH from there. That ETH showed up in my metamask wallet. - I tried to make a bid on metamask and it converted my entire bid into Matic ETH. This ETH stopped showing up on metamask, but i could see it on my opensea profile as ETH. It also showed up in my ZED wallet as WETH. To your question, sorta, the WETH that showed up in my ZED account got depleted when i made a purchase on opensea. But, as i said earlier, this was not the 'same' WETH as ZED wallet converted WETH. OK see your last post now. you did what i did. I do not think you can use the WETH in the Zed wallet for opensea, since that needs metamask, but i am far from expert.
  7. i just kept checking randomly until fees went down to something i could stomach. think it was ~$75 to move $2+K worth of WETH, so not great, bob, but i was seeing stuff like $275 to move it before. i had to abandon that account as I had made another one with metamask linking and it would not link/merge the two accounts. w/o metamask link, you can't bring in horses bought on opensea. Did they say that only WETH that was converted within the ZED wallet would work for drops? From Metamask, you can convert ETH to than Matic ETH and that shows up as WETH in the Zed Wallet, but i think i remember they specifically said that would not work for the last drop. shit's confusing. Depending on when the next drop is, an assuming you want to try for a new horse, it might be worth it to leave it in there
  8. finally nabbed a horse. [Update] as i was typing this out, another auction cleared that i put a lowball offer on. So now have 2 of them. https://zed.run/racehorse/21743 Z7 Finney - looks like nothing special, but finally found a Genesis Finney for a decent price. https://zed.run/racehorse/7953 Z3 Nakamoto - bred from a z1 Genesis Nak and Z2 Nak which makes something called 'Exclusive' Only downside is when i bid, these were unraced, but prev owners put 10 races on them by the time they accepted the offer. Finally got the metamask thing figured out. I nearly had a heart attack when my ETH got converted to Matic ETH and it stopped showing up in the metamask wallet. But once i got it connected to ZED it showed up as WETH in the account. thought i had lost it in the ether. anyway, may race 'em some and find their best distances.
  9. 1) cannot remember name, but had big muscles iirc. 2) started with fake cancer dude, forgot posters name 3) mackensy aka cam whore 4) only reference i know is gideon stare of death 5) rude ass tatas Never got a email or link. There are still some $20K horses left when i clicked on the link this morning, but they are probably actually sold. May end up buying from the opensea place. @Nice Guy Eddie how did the transfer from opensea into zed account work. I made a metamask account, but I am not sure how to link that to Zed account or make sure the horse would actually make it in there.
  10. i clicked on the link but missed the 1 horse under $3.5K. thanks for posting though. hopefully i'll get a real link, but who knows.
  11. Its like 95% people complaining of same thing on discord and Twitter. Still no email for me yet.
  12. so, there are no 'stat's other than horse rarity and bloodline intrinsic to the horse, right? Then once a horse starts racing, W/P/S stats will be accumulated. Is it left to people to figure out a sweet spot for distance? I play around with that HRM ap where there are defined stats like speed/stam etc.. and horses are built/bred differently for different distances. I guess i will start looking at some different channels in the zed discord to see if there are any game mechanics to be had. or if it's basically a digital version of who can shoot water into the clown's mouth the fastest carney shit show on which horses finishes first.
  13. the fees to turn ETH into WETH were obscene. Can't imagine the fee to convert $20K worth.
  14. yeah, 2nd round of 'waves' starts at 8pm I think
  15. people are pissed off on the discord channel. i have not gotten an email yet
  16. i am positive that people already spend that kind of money with micro-transactions with a LOT of aps/games you can play on your phone. i think the money is there for something like this. I have seen people spend $50K in a year on a stupid build-up-your-city battle game.
  17. may have to be a treefiddy member. not sure on that I posted in the discord, but i'm getting in on this. played the D&B game all the time and some other racing sim aps. got my old coinbase pro login i had not touched since 2018 and had some ETH in there. went through all the crap to convert it to WETH in the zed site, so hopefully can snag a horse or two.
  18. Can't Rich Purnell do some steely-eyed missile man stuff and figure this out on where it's going to land? If there is any justice in the world it will land on an elaborate gender reveal party.
  19. Kids' school is setting up on site vax to be done next Friday (pending approval) via a drive through after school lets out. So kudos to them for making it easy as hell to get it done.
  20. unsure, it did not qualify how they measured it. probably goes by record now.
  21. vs. Teams Over .500 25 -14 vs. Teams Below .500 13 -14 doomed!
  22. no whammies...no whammies...no whammies...STOP! Shirley, you can place a bet on where it lands, right?
  23. just so we are clear, no one is going to defend Tucker on this, right? Or is anyone here truly saying to themselves, "you know, he has point. I bet tomorrow another 30 people will keel over dead post injection from the vax"? The point was quickly blimped by the ol' "hospitals cashed in on declaring every GSW victim actually died of Covid" conspiracy theory and the ensuing back and forth from that. As the thread title declares there are 'lots of politics' in here. i would fall under the libtard category, but like perusing all threads to see what's shaking. There is not much of a counterview in the ol' cloakroom these days. Some things we seem to agree on; some we don't, but I figured there would be a stronger reaction from both sides from this despicable attempt to sabotage people getting vaxxed.
  24. That's not even the main takeaway, imo. It's that this talking colostomy bag is presenting VAERS submissions as if this is vetted legitimate information concerning death related to the vaccine for the sole purpose establishing a fake death rate for the vaccine, then going on to say this established death rate is vastly undercounted and that the vaccine is far more dangerous than we think. Fuck, his boss Murdoch got the vax in secret as soon as he possibly could. The taint (giggle) that Carson is putting on the vaccine is criminal.
  25. Tucker doing God's work, taking info from the VAERS site, which seems like an un-moderated message board where anyone can post adverse vax episodes, and pondering just how many Americans the vaccine has killed. At LEAST 30 day are just keeling over dead from the vaccine. you can see his investigative journalism on display at the link: https://www.thedailybeast.com/tucker-carlson-makes-bs-claim-30-people-every-day-are-dying-from-vaccines-heres-the-truth This is why we can't have nice things. Fuck this guy. He is an evil piece of shit. Using that VAERS site as if the information is peer-reviewed verified that a vaccine dose has killed someone is just...
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