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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by gyroprotagonist

  1. JIT works until it doesn't I think the bigger development will be how governments start to view these fabs as 'strategic assets' I went on a sales call to the NSA when i worked at AMD. They used to have their own fab to make their own CPUs but could not keep up with the pace of innovation due to the sheer cost of installing new tech to keep shrinking the transistor size. I know places like Northrup Grumman have their own fabs, but it's usually to make much simpler/older IC. Some Tom Clancy stuff for sure, but say China gobbles up Taiwan and we are basically at war with them. I could see where the US gov would 'ask' Intel/TI fabs to make certain silicon the gov/army needed like Ford built B-24s during ww2. It would get even more complicated with multi-national fabs from Samsung/TSCM etc.. that are on US soil. Fun stuff to think about.
  2. ah yes, the popular Durian fruit flavor
  3. lol, finally an expert has weighed in. Look, i am 1/2 vaxxed and am ready to not have to wear one in any scenario and I am sure my kids are ready to not wear one at school. it still just astounds me that people can say masks don't make a difference. Does a cloth mask 110% stop a virus particle from existing the moment it is expelled from your cakehole? No. Does it limit how far the particles from your breath travel? Yes. mission accomplished, mask. thank you for your service. couple that with not packing in places like sardines and it's a moderately effective tool to slow the spread of this airborne virus. In this time of give up, i agree with people that even requiring them at the Rangers game was stupid. No one who bought a ticket to that game thought well I would be worried about spreading the virus sans mask, but I and everyone else will totally be safe since we are all wearing masks. Still i am optimistic about getting deaths down to zero in the near future and let's get everyone vaxxed first before bemoaning about variants and potential variants.
  4. had not seen that yet. I am fairly ambivalent about it. I honestly don't think that a passport will really incentivize someone, who otherwise would not get a vax, to get a vax. The biggest loss here is feeding the antivax crowd more red meat. I am guessing the EO was specific to C19 otherwise we will be having measles outbreak in schools next fall.
  5. yeah, the 0.2% are going to have to realize that eventually the 99.8% will want to eat them and that pitting the rest of America vs the bottom 10% is not working anymore. Then some of that wealth needs to be converted into circus bread and UBI or everything burns. Maybe a new form of actuary will calculate, to the penny, the minimum amount of wealth that needs to be sacrificed to avoid getting eaten by the poor (job creation!) I think the young will adapt but there will be a huge swath of people who fought tooth and nail to get rid of societal safety nets (while they had good jobs) that get caught up in having their livelihood eliminated and suddenly need it. Or maybe a tailor-made virus that only affects people below a certain credit score will pop up. who know what new and exciting adventure awaits us.
  6. yeah, that's the big takeaway here. States could have a mask mandate and it the citizens could be defying it left and right and still show an increase. opposite is true with a no-mandate state where maybe the major cities are still mostly following masking and the cases could continue down as more and more folks are vaxxed.
  7. it is tax season. any complaints coming from H&R Block?
  8. well, when i said interesting I really meant a combo of SKYNET + Maximum Overdrive where people are getting killed from BT enabled dildos. At least Stoops will be the first one to go.
  9. did you look at CVS? They have no city residency as far as I know. I live in Dallas and got jabbed in Lubbock and set up 2nd shot back in the DFW area.
  10. yeah, way back in the day i used to work for AMD and contract fabs for the high end chips was sorta in it's infancy as TSMC was starting to ramp up big time. But the CPU for computers were taking ~14+ weeks for a lot to go through the fab. Now you had lots starting every week, but any big process improvement took 4 months to bear fruit. So switching over a line from say an auto industry chip to a phone IC takes a long time from start to finish. Also, you are going to see devices at the low end get squeezed in favor of higher priced ones. When the same LCD screen or camera can be put on a $99 phone or $499 phone, it's going to go to the higher priced phone where more margin is made. CPUs also will trend to the higher end. AMD used to 'downbin' a CPUs speed to fill higher demand for lower priced computers, but i doubt that's happening now. It will be interesting to see what happens when all this new capacity comes online in 2-3 years. Hell i saw a commercial where a freaking plug in air freshener was touting a PCB controlled deployment mechanism.
  11. so Gibson sitting at 135.0 and the team at 10 we looking good for a record breaking season. early season stats are fun
  12. should have told her that it's every 5 kids that people get a free drink. sooo close.
  13. is this not the exact same thing as taking a knee? Abbott is bailing on chance to sing the nat anthem and throw out the first pitch because of a difference of opinion.
  14. what's the worst team ERA in baseball history? just curious, no reason.
  15. We would have the whole planet scouted already if they had managed to load this bad boy on the rocket. Plus Marvin Martian would be running scared
  16. the shortage is real and it's spectacular. I read the biggest cause was that, on top of the disruptions that the initial C19 caused in all the mfg sectors, automakers dropped demand and canceled orders in anticipation of much lower demand. When that lowered demand did not fully materialize, they scrambled to re-place those orders and then some. Plus the boom that WFH has caused to all things with screens. Then add on the multiple stimulus packages in the last year and you get a lot of people wanting stuff that depend on these chips. i work on the planning side in the cell phone industry and it's notgreatBob.gif as far as supply on basic components goes.
  17. The plot thickens. Apparently I applied to the commonwealth of Virginia for unemployment benefits but the letter sent to me, sadly, denied my eligibility as I am gainfully employed in Dallas during the time period in question. I guess I should not have given my ssn to that nice Russian fellow in exchange for a free copy of Russia Today. Seemed legit.
  18. he was totally lip-syncing to Danke Schoen
  19. hmmm. quick google shows that the ones sent by the Treasury were Visa Debit. Mine is a Mastercard debit. may just try it at the pump next time i fill up and hope it does not ask for a PIN
  20. i think you are on to something. maybe something like a homeless snowpiercer train that never stops? you could probably score some Biden-bucks with infrastructure stimulus as well.
  21. i'm totally surly 1% so i put on my white gloves before opening as to not have to touch a pre-paid CC, but WTF is this thing? I'm guessing someone used my info to sign up, but what's the point? it's pre paid, so how would it even benefit a fraudster? To get any info online, the website says I need to enter SSN and birthdate. website seems legit, but still don't want to enter that into in there. Seems like on the phone i can access the account details by just entering the last 4 of SSN and bday. would this even show up on a credit report? I have access to transunion for free and nothing shows up as a new account there. I don't think it's a rebate for anything for anything. I had just missed out on a $500 gift card on my tiny giraffe purchase, so that can't be it.
  22. it's from say anything he had a much better ride in Better of Dead back to your regularly scheduled recruiting talk
  23. I have said this on various threads, but the CVS website has shown availability for shots in Lubbock every single day since it launched while 90-95% of the other cities always show fully booked. There is a reason the gov announced his lifting of the mask mandate in the hub city.
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