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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by gyroprotagonist

  1. just got my pipes fixed. no real damage to the pumps, but the booster pump that runs the vac is squealing like something from Deliverance. Used to be mildly annoying, but now is pretty bad.
  2. is that a tattoo or neckical herp-aids?
  3. more of a '1 in the hand coil' kind of snake.
  4. we should probably see if the bears are reacting differently to vax'd women to be sure
  5. it's mindbottling that you don't know a purty french word when you see one. moran.
  6. nevermind...typing out a response to this thread made me stupider. the only way to win is not to play.
  7. that sucks to go through all that. i hope it works out. I'll say it again, anyone and everyone can get a CVS shot in Lubbock. They STILL continue to always show availability on the CVS website despite every other city in Texas showing fully booked. I realize no one wants to go to Lubbock, but it's an option. We happened to be driving back through there seeing the in-laws and decided to just get a shot there. you can book your 2nd shot back in your 'hood and don't need to go back. - But keep checking CVS on Wednesdays and Thursdays each week as that's when they normally open up new appts
  8. yeah, that's the work-around at this point, i don't blame operations from trying to get some money flowing back in. We got back from skiing in CO last week. The ski resort was actively policing people not wearing masks and trying to abide by the state regulations set up. for the most part people were complying and the lifts and the village area were all masked up. - The restaurants were at 25% capacity. The lodging was at either 25% or 50% capacity. Those actually looked like they were adhering to the mandates. - The actual number of people they were supposed to let in on the mountain at one time was 25%, but again it's pretty easy to massively inflate the max capacity of a freaking mountain. There was very little difference in the number of people on the mountain vs previous years, so they did not have to really limit anything and were not turning away people buying lift tickets.
  9. rare footage from the ship moments before getting land locked.
  10. just carve out an enclave in west Texas (sans mineral rights), tell them goodbye and good luck and let anyone who wants to have at it. The Federal tittay is just too sweet to stop suckling on.
  11. I am using the PWAY 4K@60Hz switch. I would make sure to get a 60Hz switch and not a 30Hz one. got it on Amazon
  12. sorta superhero tie in. maybe a workaround if Sony won't let Spiderman plan in MCU
  13. sell his contract to one of the Dominican teams and bus him down there. win win
  14. even when 6G comes out? should be able to just stream the T-cells from the towers at that point.
  15. https://www.verywellhealth.com/length-of-covid-19-vaccine-immunity-5094857 like others have said, it's unknown at this point. I would think that 4 months after your 2nd shot should be right in the wheelhouse of peak protection assuming you are not an old. go ahead and rock out with your cock out in NO, imo* * past performance of taking gyro's advice and not dying is not indicative of future success.
  16. 'others' at that point are adults who chose to not get a shot. So fuck them. The <16 (18?) crowd, i think trials are going on, but have no idea on the timeline. I know a few tweens/teens (son's friends) that are still really scared about the virus despite their parents explaining how rare kids that age are severely affected. fingers crossed that any variants don't start affecting the kiddos. here is an excerpt from an interview with Moderna CEO on the vax vs the variants. This is from Jan 25th, so not the most up to date, but perusing other articles, no one is saying that the current vaxs are helpless vs the variants and that all of them should guard against severe illness. So vs the UK variant, there is basically no change to level of protection. Vs the SA variant, the efficacy is lower and there may be some danger to older recipients (whose immune systems are weaker) ~ a year down the road. There may need to be a booster for that variant or it may go into a flu-shot like cycle if this stuff keeps popping up.
  17. true. it's their job and their duty to do their own research and own approval. Can you imagine the backlash if they rubber stamped it based on EU approval and then shit hit the fan? i don't have a problem with it. Taking other entities word for stuff is how the Boeing Max issue happened. They (should be) staffed and funded to that work, so let them do the work. The stuff with the initial c19 test kits was botched because we did not want to use the WHO test and make/design our own. That felt more like pork to me (and we fucked it up) but regulatory approval is a little different animal.
  18. so the gov can spend money on brother-in-law deals with US companies to the do the same work. promises made...promises kept... to campaign donors.
  19. i think the big story is that a fleet of white hatchbacks invaded McD's that morning. i haven't seen that much lack of pigment since a yell practice at Pyle field.
  20. self fulfilling prophecy. they already believe that doctors/hospitals inflated the c19 deaths for profit and fun. is there any published number of estimated C19 recovered people + vaxed people? there's ~30m 'cases' but there has to be double/triple that of unreported cases? that's why i think the nth wave will not be as bad as predicted. The most likely to get hospitalized is the most vaxed demo. The 1-15 yo kids are basically immune to severe illness and I think i saw an article that said 30% of that age had antibodies already. The 16-24 yo are all spreading to them selves during spring break. The 50-60 demo is getting vaxed in record numbers each week. Also, the most likely to get hospitalized from the 25-49 crowd should have been vaxed or in line as a 1B person. Optimistically, when you add that up, the deaths and severe cases should continue to go down almost despite any stupidity on our part. Yes, it would have been great if nationwide we could have mandated masks for say one more month and a lot of the big chains are least holding to that. There should be a dose for every American over 18yo by June, right? the US dropped from 7-day avg of 3K deaths per day on valentines day to down to 1900 deaths (7 day avg) one week later and has continued down to ~1000 7 day avg per day right now. I hope the trend continues and hope people choose to get vaxed or their employers take the decision away from them. But hope in 1 hand and shit in the other...
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