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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by gyroprotagonist

  1. when does the 'copter get going? we will finally surprise those sneaky martians at that point.
  2. you have to plan ahead if you want to be in Group 1B for morbid obesity in the next pandemic
  3. update. just went to the airport and was in and out in 20 minutes or so. the 'interview' took 2 minutes. probably just used the Family Guy skin color terrorist guide and called it a day.
  4. if Jesus descended from the heavens with a Muary Povich certifed DNA test showing Mary and God as the parents and ran on a platform espoused by the New Testament...he would lose by 50 points in a republican primary. by only 40 points if he could convince people he was white with a really killer tan. Probably lose by 30 points in the dem primary. The tweet is awful.
  5. don't the current vaccines 'prevent serious illness' against the variants even if they don't fully block infection? I hate to use this phrase because of the political ties, but at that point can't c19 be viewed as 'like the flu' if death and serious illness are taken off the table? i don't see a vaxed person as being back at 'square one' vs a variant, but I am not super on top of the latest info. The RNA vaxs can be changed to fight variants fairly quickly, but distributions and funding are the bottlenecks. I don't the see the world govs continuing to guarantee to buy this many doses sight unseen for variant boosters.
  6. it was obvious that Trump wanted as many deterrents in place as possible to make crossing the border as traumatic and painful as possible. From separating families to if you believe the inside sources who recounted the bizarre stuff like shooting migrants in the legs, electrifying the fence, even a moat with gators and snakes (https://www.nytimes.com/2019/10/01/us/politics/trump-border-wars.html_) - look, if you are a brutal dictator who wants to close off your border, breaking hearts and minds of those trying with this stuff probably seems like a good plan. So now that we don't have a brutal dictator in place, the surge of people trying to get in is expected. How to manage this is the billion $ question.
  7. on a 30hr round trip my wife drove ~10 of those hours and we did not get lost, wreck or go slow. end thread?
  8. just got 1st moderna today at a CVS in lubbock. They are the only city that has consistently shown availability on the cvs website. we were there visiting in-laws and scheduled the wife and i. still openings if anyone is in or around the hub city. Scheduled 2nd and got appt in Mesquite (we live in Dallas). lol at the lubbock CVS not even enforcing mask wearing, though. guess there was a reason hotwheels lifted the mask ban there.
  9. user name checks out for false accusations
  10. this was (mostly) hyperbole as when a POC commits a murder/heinous crime these things instantly come up. "No dad in the picture", "mom DNGAF and probably used drugs"
  11. i think the victims and their families 'had a bad day'. the shooter should be labeled a savage murdering POS with no empathy for human life. and his parents should be shamed for raising a monster.
  12. my HS education was turrrible. i entered UT in the EE program and was so far behind it was sad. my small town had 1 HS and it's plan was to cater to LCD and actually make smart kids teach the dumb ones. kids from Houston and Dallas were coming in with Calc I and II / Physics I and II credit from their HS. basically starting with a 4.0 on 40 hours or so. My HS did not even offer those classes. I had a shitty study regimen because HS was so easy, so had to adjust fast. our kids went to both public and private before they were diagnosed with dyslexia/dysgraphia. then we moved to a private school that specialized in that and could tailor their classes to best remediate the issues. We are lucky to be able to afford that shit and try to give a healthy amount to scholarship programs so other kids might get the same chance. the tuition is insane though, no humblebrag
  13. wife and i booked ours in lubbock for this weekend. CVS has consistently shown available doses every week there and a lot of the panhandle. we are upper 40s, but not really in 1b. we happen to be there seeing the in-laws (who got vaxxed) and said fuck it. if there are available doses we will partake. looks like Moderna. 2nd dose scheduled back in DFW area seems like DFW is getting screwed by abbott per this tweet by Jenkins. I read this as the red bars are what an area should have gotten based on total doses available matched with the population of the area and the blue was the expected doses based on allocation after divvying up the pie. You can see that lubbock got a shitload of doses early on and got their fair share every week after that.
  14. first time on a board. my 10yo seems to be a natural. I finally got to try out my new board (170cm ultra wide) and it helps a ton keeping my size 15s off the snow on toe turns keystone has been good so far. snowing on and off a little bit most of the time but nothing heavy. no ice. should get a lot of sun tomorrow. going to drive to Breck on Thur as that was the only place to get her a boarding lesson in the area.
  15. I cannot tell you how lucky you are the storm got here late. No doubt. I was pessimistic and prepared to hole up at Co Springs if it was bad. Saw a weather report that said it would start in Denver around noon but not accumulate till later in afternoon. and then figured we could get there sooner than that. Appreciate all the knowledge 🙏
  16. Made it in to keystone around 1:30. Just rain on 25 up through Denver for the most part. 70 was nice and clean too with no ice or snow on the road. Drove into Lubbock last night then took off around 4am this morning. Kept checking the road cams and saw reports that the snow was a little delayed so we pressed on.
  17. should be negged for bringing up Seager. That guy should pursue 10-day contracts with teams that are currently playing the Rangers. 1st ballot HOF
  18. well for the jello, what can i say? it was hot and i was hungry
  19. what's the latest on when it's supposed to dump?
  20. appointments are refreshed. there are even some in bigger cities like Dallas open. I'm giving it 1 more week for 1B-ers to get their shit together before i try to book one next week. i'm upper 40s, so close enough
  21. i get the concept of the thread, but there are going to knife fights over the most basic food items. maybe jello? fries? cheese quesadilla?
  22. it a great story and along with Black House has a ton of ties to the Tower universe.
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