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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by gyroprotagonist

  1. work for large multi-nat company that had in their policy you could do 1 remote work day per week. Then we went solely from home for the last year and we are told to stay remote until Q2 end. I have a 45 min each way commute, but the kids' school is about a 30 minute trip and on the way, so it's not a big deal. Once we open back up, i will definitely take advantage of the remote day. I would not be surprised if they extend that to 2-3 days per week. We have all proved we are productive mf'ers working from home. But some face time is sorely needed in my group. we had 2 people transfer out and hired 2 new people. I think they feel like they are not fully part of the team yet since we have all been remote.
  2. are we sure this is not some inception level humble brag about 52-80's 15,500sqft mansion where it actually might take too long to heat back up? you would leave the heater going in the tiny giraffe's room, right?
  3. They will play the eyes at the end of every sporting event, just like they have for a long fucking time. No one will be required to sing it or participate if they feel like it offends them. Donors need to stop fucking with players that don't want to participate. Stop fucking moving your hand/hookem sign the entire song. it only happens at the end.
  4. ok, thanks. would coming up 9 from even further south (head west from Pueblo on 50 and come up through Hartsel/Fairplay) even be an option? or would those roads be worse to traverse in a storm?
  5. i don't really know what to say about that other than poor kids. the need for that guy to drag her dead body out for the sole purpose of dunking on her in front of the kids is ...
  6. i stumbled upon this one night and watched 2 episodes through. not saying it was great or anything, but it reminds of some Stephen King type stuff. God vs Devils, an imperfect priest, possession, people dying violently. Cannot really comment on the overall story arc though. you should totally watch it and if you hate it then come back and neg me.
  7. yeah, just got a ~$1500 estimate for repairs. mostly PVC replacement, a few check valves and the chlorinator. my plumbing repair expertise tops out with sprinkler systems so letting the pros handle this one.
  8. i think the point is that this is suuuuuuuch small potatoes that we should file it under 'who cares'. Eventually the teacher will get caught. if the program has a decent success rate and low-ish fraud rate, again who cares? compared to the grift that happens at local/state/federal levels, it is tiny. But again, people who don't give a fuck that Paxton has been under indictment since 2015 for securities fraud would go completely ape-shit that poor people were getting money and that there could be fraud. Heaven help us if there was a news story about $20 changing hands under the table. it would be a national story while no one gives a fuck about Ted Cruz buying his own book with campaign funds to collect more royalties or the mountain of grift that benefited Trump by staging everything he could at his hotels and that entities and foreign nationals booked dozens of rooms to provide backsheesh/douceur before a meet. The theme this comes back to again and again is fuck people poorer than me getting anything justified by inane "mah taxes", "mah bootstraps" and "mah 'tegridy"
  9. if you get the vax in one city and need the 2nd dose, will they let you schedule it in another city?
  10. since beginning of Sept. we have made it through so far with only 1 'close contact' scare between my 2 kids where a classmate kid starting showing symptoms, stopped going to school and then tested positive a few days later. 4 kids in the class (of 14) were deemed close contacts and had to q-tine for 10 days and do in-home learning. none of those kids got c-19 nor the teacher. The younger one's teacher q-tined herself 2 separate times due to being a close contact to a positive case outside of school and taught from home with another teaching filling in at the classroom. all in all, not too bad and what they are doing at school seems to work to mitigate spreading any positive cases that showed up to school. they wear masks the whole time and I think they have partitioned eating areas or ate in the classrooms (or outside during good weather), but not partitioned in the classroom; just spaced out as well as they could. The class sizes were already kinda small, but i think 85% or so elected to send their kids to in-person classes. would the results be different in a classroom crammed with 30 kids? maybe. would i personally want to test out that theory, nah. so i don't automatically condemn teachers for not wanting to be in that environment day in day out.
  11. interesting. i have a stoker, but it seems they are out of biz and you can't get any more probes. It still works pretty well, but i was looking at possible replacements.
  12. not to defend pieces of shit, but i think likening Ted Cruz to them goes a little too far and they don't deserve that harsh treatment.
  13. obligatory "Does he have any eligibility left"
  14. first time driving there in a looooong time. would it be better to avoid Denver/I-70 in getting to Keystone? - Plan is to be rolling into Keystone on Saturday afternoon
  15. and did not even get Joe Namath or Wilford Brimley to shill for him. The gall! There are protocols for this. For the OP situation, damn, that would be like paying for an internet girl friend's boob job, never seeing a pic and then when you show up to meet a year later, 2 guys are spit roasting her.
  16. can we just tell certain people that their tax dollars are totally NOT going to help poor people? Their tax dollars are super secret earmarked for patriotic stuff like walls, trillion dollar warplanes and voter ID machines; you know the kind of pork that pulls itself up by its bootstraps. I think this would solve a lot angst and make people feel good about their taxes similar to people who check the '100% renewable energy' box from their electrical provider.
  17. so Ticketmaster is in charge of vaxs now. what could go wrong? I'll have to check stubhub and see what the convenience fee is like for a Moderna 40 yard line shot.
  18. saw an article today that the US and UK have 2 of the oldest populations so that is why the death numbers (per capita) are so bad vs the world. Said it was 16% for the US and 20% for the UK, while some others like India and some African countries were much lower at ~3% or so. Then combine that with the fact that Americans are fat and sit indoors all day and there you go. I was commenting (either to my wife; no pics or rambling to myself) yesterday just baffled how we suck so bad at death rates. Yes, we probably report it more accurately, but there has to be more of it. Age could explain a good portion of that. We also keep our old people centralized in long term storage meat lockers all crowded together, which does not favor the US in this situation. anyway, NYT article below.
  19. so we are driving up to Keystone next week. all their ski lessons have been booked for a while. under normal circumstances, even during SB it's never been an issue. Seems that the resorts take their monopoly on ski school pretty seriously and don't allow private lessons not affiliated with their school. Are their private outfits that can teach on the mountain? I get that they would not be able to use the schools magic carpet lifts and closed off areas, but just looking for someone to teach beginning snowboarding to a 10-year old for a few days. looks like Breck might have some openings, but fuck, we are a stones throw from the lift in Keystone and aint nobody got time for that. need some local yokel help here.
  20. Seems like Lubbock and Amarillo are always flush with vax.
  21. Ven diagram linking Vegan BBQ and rate of Amazing-ness
  22. also lulz at Abbott getting the vax and then starting Mad Max protocol throughout Texas. that mf should be made to ride dirty throughout all this. but alas, i see him rolling (with the vax) and i'm hating (cuz it's not available to me)
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