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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by gyroprotagonist

  1. Seems like Lubbock and Amarillo are always flush with vax.
  2. Ven diagram linking Vegan BBQ and rate of Amazing-ness
  3. also lulz at Abbott getting the vax and then starting Mad Max protocol throughout Texas. that mf should be made to ride dirty throughout all this. but alas, i see him rolling (with the vax) and i'm hating (cuz it's not available to me)
  4. Shart thread is that way --->
  5. texags thread on a private school mandating someone's daughter to get vaxxed to continue to work there https://texags.com/forums/16/topics/3186354 lol at some of the replies Anyway, aside from some comical responses, there are actually takes on all sides of the issue. Some stick to the tried and true "don't like it; you are free to GTFO and find a new job". It's a good topic tbh. Personally, I want to get the vax ASAP so hurry the eff up all your 1A and 1B'ers, so a company mandate would not bother me. But what if I had a son that died right after a vax, so my personal experience was not part of the 99.9% safe vax experience. I would feel different for sure. would it be worth finding another job?
  6. i would probably throw a brick into his bedroom one or twice a night and blame shifting garbage. Does the guy even live at the house? Even non HOA 'hoods have rules and regs for landscaping in their city codes. Normally a 311 call to Code enforcement get some response. Shirley there is something similar in this city.
  7. this hits close to home. way back in the day on the 40, I wanted to take Intro to C+ programming as a graduating Sr. C+ was not available to me as freshman; had to take PASCAL, i think. Anyway, the stupid EE Dept would not let me take the into class as a Sr, I could only take the next level course Applications Using C+. I tried to explain you could not apply what you have not learned, but guess who spent the summer reading C+ for dummies and then stumbled around the Applications class next term like a drunk leaving the Aquarium after last call? Anyway, remove the kid and his failings. Remove the parent and her failings. Did the school even come close to fulfilling their obligation to the student or parent (assuming only 1 notification was sent about absences/failing)? Start there and fix that. That's step 1. Does not absolve kid/mom from extreme DGAF, though.
  8. dayum. that's crazy. both my folks were teachers so i never cut class much at all, but missing/late 280 days/540 (180 school days per year) is pretty impressive. But if you were getting 'passed' to the next class/grade anyway, then why stop cutting class? There is a lot of meat on the bone for everyone here. - The fuck 'em cuz 'poor life choices' crowd - The schools are a waste of tax payer money crowd - the 'what in the actual fuck' can we please spend more resources to fix the school system crowd everyone wins?
  9. other the the probably cynical truth that abbott is trying to blimp his way out the energy fiasco, was there anything resembling 'science' that said yeah, this is a good time to unleash the hounds? Of course testing numbers of positive cases are lower as Texas is recovering from 'dress up like a 3rd world country week' and no one was out and about and getting tested was not even an option. - were hospitalizations down? I mean, i am a libtard but if something pointed to saying this is OK to do, then i would be fine with making a change to policy. If it's to just unleash spring break and St. Paddy's day revenue generation for bars/restaurants and destinations, then that's another story. The thing is, there is little downside that is going to be attached or stick to abbott for this. As much as we want people who gave no fucks about taking some personal responsibility during the pandemic to fuck around and find out, the odds are overwhelming that they won't. Will transmission and death increase? Yes. Will it be so substantial an increase as to point a blood soaked finger squarely back to abbott in a way that hurts him politically? Odds say probably not. I am sure that by the time the mask order is canceled next week, abbott will have some stat that X% of olds are vaccinated and that 100-X% don't want it so we are good to go.
  10. i can't find a Dallas county dash board for hospitalizations, but just from reading Jenkins' tweets every day the deaths have seemed high lately ~45 per day-ish. Are hospitalizations going down due to deaths? I am guessing that most Covid deaths occur in a hospital, right? - I would think at some point the deaths would come down as the population that is most likely to die is also getting the vax at the highest rate. Are there a ton of olds out there with other health issues that prohibit them from getting the vax? googled and this article (from Jan 19th) came up that claims most of the shots are not going to the olds so i hope we have been making strides and maybe there are a lot of first responders or something that have skewed the initial response, but for only 25% of the first ~850K to go to seniors seems off.
  11. Saw this old vid pop up today on the wealth tax. obviously the devil is in the details. From very light reading, the warren plan strives to account for some of the failings of the wealth tax instituted in Europe - euro was based on residency and not citizenship. euros were obviously freer to move around and reside in neighboring countries to avoid the tax. - euro had a lower $$ amount trigger the tax. Spain's is something like $800K you start getting taxed. - Austria could not afford to keep up with all the work of appraising and maintaining tabs on the wealthy's assets. Warren wants to set aside 100B in the hopes of collecting $3.5T over 10 years. I picture a cottage industry spawning like there is for home appraisal for taxing. People repping their client to argue that "this Monet is not really worth $5M, it's probably a fake, in fact..." The list goes on.
  12. me not looking at all the spoiler posts will have to go back and look at the end scenes now. after rewinding about 10 times after eps 1 and 2 to make sure nothing ever popped up, i started skipping them
  13. oh yeah...well your favorite band sucks. how 'bout that? yeah, i was just sorting through google pics trying to find the relevant ones. i blame my QC team. here's that last one that i guess did not go through. apparently there a redit (of course there is) for all this shit.
  14. I admit I have no frame of reference for what TPA (total points added) is but this would seem like it's Luka and the 7 dwarves out there. found one for the Mavs with offense (Added) and defense (Saved) how KP is 'saving defensive points' i don't know. maybe blocks count big in the stat. http://qqpublic.qpic.cn/qq_public/0/0-516269395-F1E657C045C988786446160D019692D8/0?fmt=jpg&size=76&h=442&w=680&ppv=1 all NBA for reference. Joker is killing it.
  15. it would be interesting to see the % of made long range jumpers when a big switches off on a guard. from anecdotal evidence, the big would be better playing close enough to force a drive. The guard knows the big is going hang back a little too far and they will have a fairly uncontested jumper. Using a step back creates even more space vs a big. maybe the %s bear out taking away the drive, but to my eyes it seems like the guard never misses in that scenario.
  16. i was browsing books on how to cook brisket in the oven FOR A FRIEND!
  17. I grew up in a small town with only 1 high school. This one cop, maybe 2 years out of HS, kept pulling over this one HS girl (a Jr at the time) until she finally agreed to go out with him. I had gone out on 1-2 dates with her earlier in the year (we were both in HS) and right after they start 'dating' the cop starts pulling me over. Luckily it only really lasted a month or so and i was never cuffed and stuffed. I think girl and her stalker eventually got married, so there's that. OP, sucks that happened and you had to go through all the bullshit for 'reasons'.
  18. i was not counting on Smith to get healthy or play much going forward. Zach and Lael together good form a decent right side i guess. i think the left side will be lacking, but admit i know zero about how Smith is progressing. Dude is a beast but was not right all season when he did play.
  19. the Dems probably do this too at these little pep rallies, but fuck, this is no different than an old fashioned tent revival except they are worshiping 'Values' and Trump instead of God. God is probably in there as a subset of Values right there behind 2A, POC being put back their places, taking away rights for non-hetero peeps and insurrection. the collection bucket probably gets passed around more often, though
  20. did Russ watch any of the Cowboys games last season? Their Oline sucks. He's got to be trolling for a redo on his extension
  21. lulz. that's one way to deal with it, i guess. can't wait for the siege on the capital and 9-11 standup sets.
  22. yeah, but Vivaldi is playing in background while i post on this thread.
  23. meh, i am near white rock lake. it's ~6-7 miles to cross to the east side of 635
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