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Dennis Taylor

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Everything posted by Dennis Taylor

  1. Pop isaaacs git a 17 year old drunk and raped her while at a tournament representing your fine institution a couple moths ago and still plays basketball for your university. How bout you not worry so much about Brock Cunningham living rent free in your piece of shit fanbases heads and tell us how that's ok?
  2. Good riddance tech, go collectively fuck yourselves
  3. It’s understanding that makes it possible for people like us to tolerate people like tech fans
  4. Fuck what this guy says, in the second clip Manziel is an absolute fucking pussy for this shit. If this even happened this way then blaming Hoyer for his own lack of preparation or work ethic is absolute bullshit. He flat out says aggy didn't make him accountable then the next clip how its the best school in America...gtfoh
  5. Is it at the shoulder end or the elbow end? If it's at the upper end you can try draping your arm over a Smith machine bar and roll it around, kind of like rolling it on a lax ball. It's been effective for me in the past, but it does hurt a bit.
  6. It's called Active Ice, basically an igloo with a pump and hoses and we're using the 4 frozen water bottles and rotating them. Walking (with walker) getting better...did just shy of 400 yards earlier today. My high school trainer had a torture device , I think it was called a Jobst that did the same think but with a blood pressure cuff that would squeeze the living fuck out of your injured joint. Those may have been outlawed. Bending and straightening getting slightly better
  7. Put the Class of 69 right knee in the motherfucking transfer portal Thursday and am now the proud owner of a Class of 24 titanium bad boy. Day of surgery was not too bad but Doc said there was more bone spurs and worse arthritis than he expected and Friday was pretty fucking excruciating. Today has been much better and I'm working more on the home therapy. Straightening and bending hurts like a bitch still but it's gotta be done.
  8. But he can still remember just the way you taste
  9. Rep for username and avatar
  10. Ugh, thought Lewis was gonna be a monster
  11. https://www.yahoo.com/news/man-stabbed-la-fitness-dispute-165709269.html
  12. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.nydailynews.com/2024/02/20/porkys-tony-ganios-cause-of-death-cardiac-arrest/amp/
  13. Is he going to sell the Heismans and National Championships by going to 0U instead of Texas?
  14. It's surprising you have time to post with all the pussy that must be getting thrown at you constantly
  15. Get your grades up or get your guns up
  16. She's laughing because she keeps your testicles in her purse
  17. Posting Telemundo weather chicks is cheating basically, it's such low hanging fruit. It's like posting Liz Hurley pics on the 40+ thread...I'm not complaining of course, it's just too easy.
  18. Just a bad joke about the typo
  19. Superb Owl is my favorite Canadian whiskey
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