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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by morehornsepower

  1. Binge watched it yesterday...then it rolled over to season 1 episode 1. I don't want to admit how much time we wasted watching season 1 too. Lol...can't wait for real racing next week!
  2. Great googly moogly....
  3. Where's the letterkenny coach gif. This is fucking embarassing...
  4. Grrr...i so want to click on those spoilers... Appreciate the effort you made hiding them though, as I've been able to resist so far!
  5. @BoomMF those are some cool looking games for sure. For us, bad news and bad (to me) news. First, life has really gotten in the way of finishing the table. We did get the neoprene in, and it is fantastic to play on. No progress on the rails. The other 'bad' news is that my son has gotten obsessed with Warhammer 40k over the last couple of months, so the table - and our gaming time - has been taken over with that. Oathsworn is has literally been shoved aside. To add insult to injury, today, my son decided that we would use some of the Oathsworn terrain for our Warhammer battle... He did agree that we need to at least alternate our play time going forward - we last finished chapter 4 of Oathsworn... edit: just to add, I don't *hate* Warhammer...just would prefer to keep progressing with Oathsworn...but it's my son's senior year of HS, so I'll happily let him pick if it means we keep playing..
  6. Spa is at the top of my list to see a race, I think. This guarantees that my time, opportunity, & money graphs will meet perfectly, in '28 or '30. Fuckers.
  7. This is where I am. Last year, red zone was a clear issue - we've improved. This year, 3rd quarters are killing us. I don't know if it is how we respond to having the lead, or if it is some halftime adjustment the other teams are making that we can't account for. According to teamrankings.com. we are: 9th in 1st quarter scoring. 9th in 2nd quarter scoring. 65th in 3rd quarter scoring. 61st in 4th quarter scoring. link: https://www.teamrankings.com/college-football/stat/1st-quarter-points-per-game Let's see if Sark can figure this one out in the offseason...
  8. And will still be outscored by his teammate
  9. On top of the line/blocking issues, it seems our offense always counts on the ball carrier to make one guy miss. The plays are designed to block everyone else, so that we gain 20 yards if we make one miss, but zero yards if we don’t make that guy miss. Boom or bust. Against Georgia’s talent, that one guy never missed. And, thanks to our execution/mindset, there was usually at least one more guy there with him to make the tackle anyway. (All opinion given here is without reviewing the tape - I refuse to do that to myself)
  10. Texas 27 Georgia 20 30 rushes, 160 yds
  11. Texas 42 aTM 16 texas 330 yds passing
  12. Here's my hope/wishcasting. I hope Zelensky basically told Biden: "Ok, you've basically run us out of time, and we're fucked in 2 months. So, like it or not, I'm using these things the way I should have been allowed to use them all along. You can either go along with it, or look like the lame duck you are...your call. k thx bye."
  13. Hell yes - hook 'em Graceson!!
  14. www.thedashcamstore.com Good information and advice there - along with sales (and installation if you're in central Texas). We have Blackvue or Thinkware cams in all our vehicles.
  15. Texas 42 Ark 24 271 WR yds
  16. She did not have a strong CS background coming out of high school - she was not sure what she wanted to do, and ended up moving into the program after her freshman year. Like many majors, the degree plan doesn't have a lot of room to slip, so she ended up on a 5 year plan. She likes the program now, but did struggle at first without that coding background. She was able to get a great internship this past summer, but doesn't have anything lined up yet for once she graduates (May).
  17. Damn...dusty in here...
  18. Oldest is in the last year at Arkansas, Computer Science. We got the 90% OOS scholarship, which made it a little easier to swallow. It's a bit farther from Austin than we'd like, but she loves it.
  19. Texas 38 Florida 20 Florida offense: 296
  20. Multi 2-1 Seb. Multi 2-1.
  21. That was insane. Max goes from 17 to 1. Perez starts 12 and gets 0 points.
  22. Was at a neighborhood halloween party last night and got to overhear some MAGA logic - "Trump is going to win in a landslide, because the *lack* of Trump signs in our neighborhood somehow proves that Trump supporters don't feel the need to "show off" who they are voting for, which then proves that everyone "knows" he's going to win comfortably." - "All the Harris signs are just old southern democrats who will always vote democrat because they think all republicans are evil - they are obviously not paying attention to the news at all."
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