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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by morehornsepower

  1. 1. Should we make it harder to get near our kids? 2. Should we make it harder to get guns? 3. Should we reduce the # of times someone decides to take the lives of innocents. If all we focus on is #1 and #2, are we just accepting that #3 is a fact of our society? Is this something that is present in other societies, or was present in earlier societies (did this shit happen in the 1950s and we just didn't hear about it)? What kind of a fucked up world do we live in, where people are doing this shit, seemingly more and more often?
  2. Wish they were getting closer to Austin.
  3. "Chelsea are the only team in Premier League history to go through a whole season without ever being behind at half-time." Makes it even more disappointing that we weren't challenging for the league title.
  4. Then we'd just hear a similar "a loss here is better than a win anywhere else!" And commemorative cups for the once-a-decade, the-giant-is-awakening upsets.
  5. Fuck F1 in Miami...I want to party with @ChiTownDoc!
  6. Damn close to the morehornsepower home. Had a lot of the area roads blocked off for most of the afternoon. They initially thought there were 2 shooters (1 report of someone in a black trench crossing the road with a rifle, and another report - mentioned above - of someone shot in their backyard by someone in camouflage), but now seem confident it was the same guy.
  7. Same. Mower, edger, weed eater. Did have a battery die on me after a few years of use, but replaced it with a newer (higher amp-hour) one that still works with all the tools.
  8. Damn, sorry to see this experience, Goofyboy. Props to you for jumping in and doing what was needed for your son.
  9. Looking forward to the movie...don't love the title. I'm sure it's been covered before, but it sounds like a porn knock-off of the franchise..
  10. I don't have any rep to hit all the posts in here, but certainly a lot of good advice and insight. - if you've been through this kind of thing already, please, please, please keep sharing. I remember feeling so lost that hearing from *anyone* who had even the slightest similar experience helped ground me a bit. - @Ojo Rojo and anyone else facing these potential situations: feel free to PM me - even if you just need to vent (which is normal). I'm no expert - and every kid is different anyway - but I can listen like a motherfucker...
  11. No worries. - Applied behavioral analysis therapy was great. - Diet changes - no dairy, minimal processed food - melatonin - some supplements that claimed to be "anti-inflammatory" (these are the ones that seemed like BS to me at the time, but since we were seeing improvement, I didn't care at all to change it up) - helping him learn to deal with stress for himself
  12. Every kid is different, let me start with that. My son, now 17, was diagnosed PDD-NOS when he was 3. That day was the most confused, overwhelmed, and helpless I've ever felt. Like you, I imagined all the worst case scenarios you can. Fast forward to now, and he's in normal classes at a normal high school. He's a good kid and a good student. He's quirky. And he can still get overly emotional when things go off course. But he has learned to adapt and succeed - so hang in there, there is hope! Get all the help you can - talk to people (like you're doing here), talk to experts, talk to off-the-wall-kooky doctors. Talk to everyone. You will find stuff that works for your son. You will find things that your logical brain says shouldn't work, but you won't give two shits if it helps your son. We still leverage the public school resources, and also did a lot of therapy when he was younger (ABA was fantastic for us). Keep your head up, and realize that this isn't the final outcome. But this is the start of a journey that you & your family will have to navigate and complete together. Send me a PM if I can help.
  13. I haven't had any issues with the wifi, but when I had a temp probe fail, Rec Teq's customer support was fantastic. They quickly sent out two probes, no charge. I've heard stories from others as well praising their support. Definitely recommend giving them a call.
  14. Only use the pellet here. As mentioned above, I did use a gas grill to sear steaks (reverse sear - smoke on the recteq...mmmmmmm), but now have added a bullseye to take searing over as well.
  15. I've had an rt-700 for a few years now (3? 4?), and picked up a bullseye just before Christmas. I had an old gas grill with a sear plate that I used for searing steaks - and nothing else. With the bullseye, I'm donating the gas grill to my BIL. The bullseye is fantastic, and will get damn hot, for sure. I have had a couple of issues with it not wanting to fire up, and I had to clean out the fire pot before it behaved. Nothing major, but not something I've ever seen on the rt-700.
  16. And, of course, Russia will promise to fully support China when they "liberate" Taiwan... 😠
  17. oh shit! G650 = Lewis Hamilton!!!!!
  18. Early reports say this might be a little different...not just small rockets launched from nearby, but 6 ballistic missiles launched from an Iranian missile base. Just what the world needed right now...
  19. Looks like multiple bidders so far, but no one (according to sources) has reached Abramovich's valuation...
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