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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by morehornsepower

  1. Fantastic game. Pickford played lights out, or this isn't even close...
  2. I think, from all the talent we bought/brought in over the summer, we were all hoping to be competing for the very top of the table. If I look back to that fantasy at the beginning of the season, then I would say we are still falling short, and I can understand feeling 'uninspired'. But 0 losses in the last 8 games, is a huge turnaround from the games immediately preceding that. I still love Lampard, but the results are definitely improved over the current sample size. I just hope that there isn't a regression like we saw after the first 10 games or so at the beginning of the season.
  3. Yeah, I only saw the second half. That was an amazing strike!
  4. Kicking off against Newcastle shortly...Kepa in the net... ?
  5. I know today's results were inevitable...but now we know where the line is - or rather, where it isn't. The next election cycle will be terrifying, as nothing is below the belt now.
  6. i don't think that was "an obvious" offside, as the announcers keep claiming...but it was for sure close...
  7. Damnit ztejas...why would you say/type that out loud??!!! 😱
  8. we look rough so far...but that should have been a pen for us...
  9. I don't really understand the lineup decisions...and hate that we had to work so hard for that...but damn solid results so far for Tuchel.
  10. We've got 4 games to figure out our offense...
  11. Makes sense. I hadn't noticed the layout of the schedule before. Big test today, with very little time on the job...
  12. Yeah....1 pt is better than 0...but not by much...
  13. I guess I'm hopeful. Not expecting to see much different in the first few games...but damnit I'm hopeful for that too..
  14. I know Frank had very little managerial experience anyway, but have there been many managers that succeed moving from the Champions League to the Premier? (As a Norwich fan also, it's been frustrating seeing that team (and Farkle most recently) kill it in the lower league...and just fall apart on the bigger stage. Norwich has spent the last decade+ going back and forth between the two... ) As for Chelsea, we've got plenty of amazing talent....as Longhorn fans, we've all seen how that doesn't always make for a good overall team though...maybe Frank didn't have the skills to pull them all together. Getting Rice would help...but man, how much money are we going to spend?
  15. Fair enough. Frank (the player) was literally the reason I started following Chelsea...and I really hoped he would be successful leading the club.
  16. Hard to argue with the decision given the performance the last month or so...but...just feels like he should have been given at least to season's end. *shrug*
  17. Fixed it for me... Such a ridiculous false equivalence.
  18. Kiddo's 06 taco, ~100k miles. Been to Hidden Falls a few times...super fun...but starting to have issues with 4wd...
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