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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by morehornsepower

  1. A large, violent mob took over the US capitol last week, in an attempt to subvert the democratic process and get their leader installed as our head of state. Let that marinate for a second. Anyone bitching about "but we need to come together!!!"...or "but Obama!!!"...or "why can't I say whatever I want on this giant megaphone?"....need to fuck right off. And any elected official doing anything right now, other than prosecuting those responsible...so that it doesn't happen again...needs to be removed from their elected office...and then they can fuck right off too.
  2. Also, agreed, fuck him for trying to appropriate that.
  3. I'm sure that's some coded signal for the QAnon folks. She's holding it in her right hand...but pointing it at Ivanka. US flag is pointed at Trump. This must be the signal that he is about to take over the US, and appoint her as the militant enforcer?
  4. Over a few beers last night, one of our neighborhood Trumpians filled me in on the Democrats' diabolical master plan. Apparently, they have all the information they need from Hunter's dealings, so they can kick ole' Joe out soon after the inauguration. But they've been delaying until then, so that they can install "super commie Kamala" as our President. Once that is done, we are on the fast track to a communist dictatorship, at least, we will be if the Patriots can't hold on to those 2 seats in Georgia...
  5. Chapter 9: People tell me this is the greatest chapter, well, in the history of books
  6. My concerns with Trump are many, but the ones that I really fear, are more long term. Do they impact my day-to-day life now? Maybe not, but the impact in the future could be significant. It is now accepted/ok for a president to: - suggest that political adversaries be locked up - use the power of the office to target investigations of political adversaries - use the power/presence of the office to marginalize people/organizations that disagree with policy. - use the power/presence of the office to extend their own grasp of power - encourage/welcome any help (even from foreign entities) to gain/keep power - ignore/distort/bury facts that don't make them look good - ignore/marginalize/fire government experts that don't make you look good - marginalize/fire government employees that aren't "loyal to the president" (see last week's executive order) - use release of federal funds as a reward/punishment for presidential support from states Even if you support Trump, this is a dangerous set of tools to leave lying around for any president. (back to lurking)
  7. To be fair...they're not usually both Prem teams. Chelsea is my team...but my family roots are in Norwich.
  8. Norwich & Chelsea fan here...I'm being torn in half this season...
  9. "Some pre-camp team notes from TFB: >> He can put DBs on their heals." No one will call us soft if our WRs are hurting their DBs on every play...i like it
  10. This thread is worth coming out of permanent lurk mode. Was there for that glorious day!
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