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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by morehornsepower

  1. I'm sure it's been said before, but the goalposts at pyle field must be on rollers, because they spend a hell of a lot of time moving them.
  2. Agreed with everything posted above. Earlier tends to be better, as folks start to disappear as it heats up. For exotics: just about any event/show at Petrol Lounge is amazing. For us, COTA is a bit far for a car show, so we tend to check out Pistons in the Park...good size show as well.
  3. First encounter set up. Spoilered in case anyone expects to play and wants to maintain the mystery. A lot of set up time. (Definitely need to get that gaming table done). Thankfully, it looks like our second-hand all-in version had some of the prep work done and nothing was missing. The app adds greatly to the atmosphere. Chapter one story and encounter finished, with 2 of our 4 characters KO’d at the end. Took a good 4 hours, but well spent. Had to refer to the rules book pretty often, so I’d expect us to get better and not need that quite so much. Really liked the encounter portion…the story was “good” I’d say. Hope to get into chapter 2 this weekend.
  4. Texas - 35 Michigan - 16 Michigan Rec: 161
  5. lol, yeah, I saw that as well. And they all agreed that it was such a 'tough environment', but they couldn't back it up with any stats...just the ranking from a video game...
  6. Should be a good weekend!!!
  7. Fuck yes. Was actually just coming to check what time he was committing today, and instead get to start Friday with good news right off the bat. hook ‘em!!!!
  8. From the corporate cafe in NW Austin. Fight!!!!
  9. I've heard of this "Elko Era" - that's that genetically modified combination of E-coli & Cholera
  10. I love that this thing they are so proud of actually had little/no impact on the outcome of the game, and was kind of petty, honestly. The only surprise for me is that they won.
  11. No kidding - welcome back! lol Assume Madueke will be sold now - can't keep that kind of performance around the club for long... <edit> Also, he must have given some Ted Lasso-like halftime speech...
  12. Same. But here's a preview: "something something homeless camps" "something something dildos" "something something hippies" "something something $$" "something something we'd rather have a hardworking 3 star" bwahahahhaha!!!!
  13. Hell yes... Hook 'em!!!
  14. Yes sir! Hook 'em!!!
  15. yup. Can't keep up with who we have or how/where they're going to play on the field. Don't need to get to know them, as they, and/or the manager, will surely be gone soon, replaced by others I don't know...
  16. Looks like we're a few years behind the rest of you, but we had a chance to play Scythe on our family vacation at the end of June. Was able to pick up a barely-used set with some expansions last week, and we've had several game nights since. Good stuff. Wife ixnayed the "lets build a game table over the summer" idea, as too much of a non-family time-suck while the kids were all home, so I'm just now getting started on that. Actually picked up a (free) 3.5X6 desk/table that I'll be using as the base.
  17. As an RB fan, was obviously hoping for Adrian to stay, but once it was clear he was out the door, I thought it would be great for him to end up at Williams. I'd love to see that team get back to the top for a bit. Sainz + Vowles + Newey might have really made things interesting. AM is screwed as long as Daddy lets it be junior's playground, IMO.
  18. That was pretty...
  19. Agreed on all points. I will make it there someday...
  20. Anyone know if the weight includes the tires? Any chance this was a consequence of them running the tires so long - like each tire lost .75lbs of rubber by the end of the race?
  21. Looked like the driver never even tried to counter-steer. Just rode that shit all the way into the barrier...
  22. So we are the great Destroyer of Conferences, and good 'ole ATM is the only school that can stop us. But...I feel like ATM was in the last 2 conferences that they claim we destroyed. So, either we didn't destroy those conferences...or, we did destroy them, and ATM just let us...? Thank God they're around to stop us this time...
  23. Similar. I've had a Recteq 700 for several years, and added a Bullseye a couple of years back. Gave away my cheap offset and my gas grill both. Happy smoking!
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