As long as Ukraine wants to keep fighting, we should support them. The attemped violent overthrow of a democratic ally should always be opposed - I hate that this is even a matter of debate in this stupid simulation. My Euro roots are about as far west as you can get and still be in Europe, but I can imagine the...concern...that is happening in many countries there. Yes, we should have thrown in more support, more quickly. But, in the ugly world of geopolitics, bleeding Russia is considered a goal just as important as helping Ukraine. I don't like it, but we all know it's true. The US elections will certainly have an impact on continued support, but I'm not sure I agree that support will dry up even if Biden wins.
According to that article, "well, since all wars end in negotiation", (duh!), "Ukraine should just negotiate now, regardless of their leverage or lack thereof". I guess my response to that would be: "Fuck you. That's Ukraine's decision."
sorry for the word vomit.