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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by morehornsepower

  1. One of the more interesting races of the year, for sure. As a Max fan and a Danny Ric fan, was good all around. As a Red Bull fan…wtf checo??? I thought the announced extension might take off some of the pressure and produce some improvement…. Sigh. as an F1 fan, good to see some real racing - not sure if mclaren and Mercedes have actually caught up, or if the last 3 races now have been special circumstances. Seems to be a trend now though.
  2. The fun just never ends. - how dare they talk up their rivalry....hey, why didn't our AD talk up our rivalry? - Everyone loves the Cocktail Party...how embarrassing, their AD looks like he came from a Cocktail Party. - Texas forced Sankey to force them into the SEC...wait, Texas has no power, ESPN forced all of this. - They're so arrogant, all they talk about is their "brand"...hey, don't forget everyone is just jealous of our <insert weird turdition> - We focus on becoming a program that competes for the playoff & the national championship...but also, let's point and laugh at the program actually, you know, doing those things - We're so masculine and they are not!!!! <Gazes longingly at dancing milkmen> (not judging) I know I missed some - it's just too hard to keep track...
  3. Thanks, CNN, for the insightful newsflash: decades-old MBTs, designed to destroy other MBTs in multi-domain conflicts, aren't the best at drone warfare. Next, at 10: 80yr-old grandmother struggles to use chatGPT!!!
  4. Boys and I have decided we're going to try to tackle this over the summer. I've watched this vid, and his follow-up on what he would do differently. Anything you'd do differently if you were doing it again, @BoomMF?
  5. As long as Ukraine wants to keep fighting, we should support them. The attemped violent overthrow of a democratic ally should always be opposed - I hate that this is even a matter of debate in this stupid simulation. My Euro roots are about as far west as you can get and still be in Europe, but I can imagine the...concern...that is happening in many countries there. Yes, we should have thrown in more support, more quickly. But, in the ugly world of geopolitics, bleeding Russia is considered a goal just as important as helping Ukraine. I don't like it, but we all know it's true. The US elections will certainly have an impact on continued support, but I'm not sure I agree that support will dry up even if Biden wins. According to that article, "well, since all wars end in negotiation", (duh!), "Ukraine should just negotiate now, regardless of their leverage or lack thereof". I guess my response to that would be: "Fuck you. That's Ukraine's decision." sorry for the word vomit.
  6. Right? It's like they've *almost* figured out how to enforce track limits...
  7. Knights Tale (mentioned already) Starship Troopers (also mentioned I think) The Replacements Big Trouble in Little China
  8. Yes, yes they do. BOMC out front should have told you.
  9. Maybe this was obvious to the rest of you, but I just saw that the announcement from the team claimed he would be stepping back to finish 'final development and delivery' of the RB17 hypercar. May be bullshit, but, if true, may be a way for RB to keep him "on contract" for a little longer, to prevent another team getting him?
  10. Not letting this drop down in the forum list. Fuck Russia!!
  11. A few thoughts... - I'd say Jos is 'predominantly' to blame for this. - I bet Max will start seriously looking around - Newey is a fucking magician, and Red Bull will take a big hit in '26, and some other team will take a big leap forward - I would love it if Newey went to Andretti!
  12. A phrase I heard long back: "What 2 things can drive anywhere? An M1 Abrams and a rental car."
  13. It's easy to forget that these are (arguably) the 20 best drivers in the world...well, 19 if you rightfully remove Stroll. Their reactions are often unbelievable, but that catch was just insane. I'm sure the data is there on the internet somewhere, but he was probably >100mph when it stepped out?
  14. Ok, I know this is a dumb question. And I know the answer is "because aggy"... But what exactly is it, that they believe we have done *to them*? Other than things in our own best interest, not specific to them, which all schools are (or should be) doing?
  15. Palmer has been on fire...starting to give me some hope!!
  16. hehe...fair enough. Spoilered in case:
  17. Anyone have a link to a clip of the speech from the war council?
  18. I know this post is a bit far back, but just wanted to offer my 2 cents on this, after having elected to do "monovision" 4 years back: don't fucking do it. 90% of the time, your brain adjusts, and you don't even notice. but the other 10% is bullshit. - do you shoot? Make sure your 'near' eye is the one you use for the sight, and the 'far' eye is the one you use to look downrange. If you get it backwards, it sucks. - do you drive? If you have a cup of water or coffee and take a swig, make sure you aren't covering up the 'far' eye, or the whole outside world goes blurry. And you may need to turn your head completely to make sure your 'near' eye can focus on anything you want to see clearly on the dashboard. - roll over in the morning to glance at the clock to see the time? better hope your 'near' eye is not in the pillow or you won't see shit. - Watching something in unbalanced lighting (like, say, a lamp to one side of the sitting area while watching TV)? Be prepared for one eye to take over based on lighting, overriding whichever eye you actually need to use for watching. All of these are blatantly obvious when spelled out...and perfectly logical looking back. But all I heard before was "your brain will adjust" - and it does...for most situations. Do not recommend.
  19. agreed. we are going to lose - or at least drop points - to 10-man, about-to-be-relegated Burnley... *sigh* [edit] - and yet, still dominate pretty much every statistic.
  20. I know this isn't exactly a 'hot take', but it seems a bit premature to declare "Ferrari is back!" when Max was driving on 3 wheels and was out of the race in 3 laps. I like Checo, but comparing a team result to Checo just isn't the same as comparing to Max. (VABuckeye, not directed at you - I know you were just sharing info!)
  21. Wow...looks like they guarantee a 100pt improvement on the SAT. Will definitely be checking them out - thanks!
  22. Blame Microsoft...lol https://arstechnica.com/cars/2024/03/formula-1-chief-appalled-to-find-team-using-excel-to-manage-20000-car-parts/
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