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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by morehornsepower

  1. Shit, I hate how this season is going, but damn it would be nice to get some consistency in leadership...
  2. Yeah, this is not going to be good for my productivity...
  3. I like it. You're not wrong...but I like it.
  4. Last night was my first time seeing Tool...fantastic show! I can see why they are on a lot of folks' "bands you must see" lists.
  5. This is just embarrassing
  6. Such bullshit.
  7. I missed it also...sounds like more missed opportunities...
  8. Use these online tools to find the nearest well and check out their report: https://www3.twdb.texas.gov/apps/WaterDataInteractive/GroundwaterDataViewer/?map=sdr Here's a sample near San Angelo (I think that's where @CleverNickname is digging). Anyway, page 2 details the soil & depths they encountered during the drill: https://www3.twdb.texas.gov/apps/waterdatainteractive//GetReports.aspx?Num=168240&Type=SDR-Well
  9. So the schedule is going to kill us, except that it is easy. And the schedule is easy, except for 2 of the top 6 preseason teams - and 1 of those on the road. Got it.
  10. 2 inter-related items that don't actually answer your question, but may work: 1. Redbox Restoration, in Leander, is fantastic (but not mobile) (https://redbox-restoration.com/) 2. Sunrae Transport, in Round Rock, is a high-end auto transporter (with enclosed trailer) that is also fantastic. (https://sunraetransport.com/)
  11. ~80 on the interstate would be high 20's. 65 on the highways would break 30mpg.
  12. Just finished Stringers on the Kindle...fantastic read!
  13. Gorgeous truck! We've had the 'baby-max' 1500 High Country for about 15,000 miles now, and still love it. MPG (at least, without a lift ) is amazing, and towing power is ridiculous.
  14. It's been 20 years, but we had the opportunity to stay right on the shores of Loch Lomond, and it was incredible. https://www.strath.ac.uk/rosspriory/ Maybe on your way from Glascow, heading north.
  15. Nice to see they have distributed their talking points for responding to our success...lol Also, 12-1 with a Big 12 Championship and a CFP appearance was the "bare minimum" they expected from us??? I guess you guys sharing these screenshots (which I do appreciate) didn't share all their pre-season predictions last year... lol
  16. LFG!!! Hook 'em Amari!!
  17. Boom bitches! WRs for days... Hook 'em Silas!!
  18. @BoomMF Oathsworn looks amazing. Coming from the Ascension & Carcassonne level of board games, it looks like a big jump in $ investment. Worth it?
  19. thunder, I don't know you from adam/eve, but I am in a similar situation, and brewed up a comparable idea on the isolated-but-still-one-structure guest house. We're probably 3-4 years out. Single story, barndominum, main living on one end, big garage/workspace in the middle, and guest quarters on the opposite side of the garage. Been using an app (Keyplan 3D) to draw up ideas as they come to me.
  20. morehornsepower to GenAI: how would Ed Orgeron say "GET IN THE MOTHERFUCKER!!!"? https://tenor.com/view/farmer-fran-waterboy-gif-14901637
  21. By this logic, I, also, am a real possiblity.
  22. Good luck X - thanks for everything you've done for the Burnt Orange! Hook 'em!
  23. Sark has made a name for himself as a fantastic playcaller, and for his game-starting "script"/"flowchart"/whatever. And regardless of whether we all agree he deserves that acclaim, the fact is: it got us to the CFP. So, I'm not sure expecting him to deviate from that is realistic, or a good idea. That being said, serious question...how would we even know if he did deviate from the script? [edit] Also, "fuck yeah, Steve!!!!" Great season, way exceeding expectations!!
  24. yes yes yes. Tell me the method for that bark!
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