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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by morehornsepower

  1. Left over pulled pork, diced jalapeños, scrambled eggs, topped with chipotle tabasco. Breakfast of champions.
  2. What's the difference between a BMW and a cactus? A cactus has the pricks on the outside.
  3. The old “ford four-spot” park job…
  4. coworker, out of the blue, no context, in teams chat: "quick call?" How about you fucking type a few extra words and tell me what you need, and then I can decide if I need to make time for a "quick" call to discuss it?
  5. I'm still taking this as progress - last year's curse would have seen our finishers miss that open goal.
  6. Fuck, sorry to hear this, @Ojo Rojo. Don't lose hope! You are still figuring out what does and doesn't work for him. I can only imagine the pain & frustration involved, but the fact that some things do work, for at least some time, is a good sign that you just need to figure out what exact combination will 'click' for him, like @Goofyboy says.
  7. I've maybe spent an hour of my life, total, in College Station, and I can understand why they might need some coping mechanisms...
  8. Paqueta is a cunt. Jackson and Raheem are scary fast. We looked like a group of class players that had recently been thrown together on a team. Passes just slightly off, as if they didn't understand how fast/slow they each were moving. 1 pt from 2 games is a shitty start.
  9. Never had carrots on pizza on the south side of NM either. Green chile, on the other hand, improves damn near every meal.
  10. Not a huge fan of the move, given his age, but he can hardly be worse than our finishers last years. But now it looks like we may miss on Cacedio as well.
  11. I like the way you think. Let's go with your plan. 100%
  12. Russian warplanes bumping, damaging, and crashing US drones. Belarussian helicopters flying into Polish airspace. Russian attack drones landing in Romania. It is beyond time that we (NATO) issued a red line of our own, and one that we damn sure better follow up on.
  13. Thanks for the updates, MoJames. I'm anxious for some of these to get completed, and see if we can get any sort of consistency - both on the field and in the squad.
  14. There is no military value to this. Terrorism, definition: the unlawful use of violence and intimidation, especially against civilians, in the pursuit of political aims. Once again, fuck russia. Time for us to 'take off the gloves' as well. I think the Moskva is getting lonely, for example.
  15. I have an arteflame grate in my bullseye - love it... https://arteflame.com/products/weber-grill-grate-replacement-inserts?variant=4794047168545 But, that also should confirm for you that other 22" grates should work as well.
  16. OK, I dunno how to embed a tweet, but Pulisic finally officially out to AC Milan.
  17. This is bullshit. The message here is, "OK Pootin...if you decide to be a dick on some things, we'll go ahead and appease you on others. So please don't be a dick, k?" I'm glad I don't have to make decisions like this, as world hunger & starvation are damn serious...but damnit!!
  18. New thread title candidate: “god these guys are fucking imbeciles “
  19. Not a lot of discussion on the fact that there was obvious damage to the road and structure that showed up between 28 May and 5 June. Assuming those related pics are real, I wonder if Russia, in their standard incompetence, was trying to destroy some remaining part of the road and inadvertently caused the structure to fail.
  20. I guess since we are joining "their" conference, then all our conference opponents will get to pick where we play. Get ready for 8/9 SEC road games in 2024 guys...it's only fair (in the insane reality in ATM's heads).
  21. Agreed, and his speaking certainly didn't change my opinion on that. So matter of fact about being there to help others - this basic assumption of 'well, I have these skills/assets, why *wouldn't* I use them to help others?'. He did not disappoint.
  22. Slight tangent - Jose Andres (WCK) speaking at work today...looking forward to this...
  23. Shared in "shit I've cooked..." as well. All but the potato came off the recteq...
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