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  1. No problem, the next time you make a post that is incredibly libtarded, I won't try to educate you.
  2. Brian, that would be great, but I am afraid its not going to happen. Here's why. These exchanges have been going on for 20-30+ years. It's the only power hamas has over Israel. Years ago,the was an exchange between the palestian terrorists and Israel. Israel released 1000 criminals in prison for the remains of 1 IDF soldier. That's right, the remains of 1 IDS soldier. In addition, a ceasefire is meaningless to hamas. All that does is give them a chance to reload to they can attack they can attack again and they have already admitted that they will attack as often as they can. And yet, the Israelis are the bad guys.
  3. Quit believing the liberal crap from maddow and the rest of the idiots. You're better than that. And if anyone has the right to be upset its me because those nazi bastards murdered members of my family in the camps as well as the Warsaw ghetto and I had family fighting the naxi bastards all over europe including the battle of the bulge. Just stop with this naxi crap already. It hasn't worked in 9 years.
  4. And the adults are back in power.
  5. That may be because you don't know the way things worked in the past.
  6. Because of available tickets. He would rather sell tickets than give them away so he chooses a game that will probably not draw a large crowd.
  7. If you're talking about the reunion, it's probably CDC. I don't know about the regular schedule.
  8. You are correct. I think that the shorthorns in hoops were around 1 or 2 years but since football had unlimited scholarships, they were probably ended that year. BTW, the late Bill Walton had to play freshman ball.
  9. Tre will calm down as he gets more comfortable with his teammates. This weekend was the varsity bball reunion and it's sad that this was the game CDC picked .
  10. The 2 games against big boy defenses really helped Tre. Those were probably the first 2 games Tre has played where he couldn't do whatever he wanted. Great learning experience early in the season.
  11. Don't you mean Al McGuire at Marquette?😁
  12. Agree but's even more than that. Our kids will be walking into an environment they have never seen before. It's one thing to play against a large crowd like at Michigan but this is different. These pigs are born hating Texas. It's genetic. Whether you're a 5 year old kid or an 85 year old grandma, they hate us to their core. It's something that has to be experienced to be believed.
  13. It's impossible to compare most of these players because of when they played. For example, some of them who were my teammates had to play freshman ball because freshman before 1972 couldn't play varsity ball. Some of those kids never played with a 3 point shot, possession arrow, shot clock and dunking as illegal. Just enjoy their athletic abilities.
  14. Both you and the idiot chomsky are wrong. During WW2, the palestinian mullahs supported Hitler's attempt to murder as many Jews as possible. Then in 1948, the arab countries attacked Israel and there has been fighring ever since.
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