The kids were the ones that talked about outreach and this is one way to do so. We're talking about maybe an hour a week in the spring semester. I will tell you what I've done in the past and then you can tell what you've done. When I was in school, I had several black teammates and we all got along great. The black kids that went to good schools like mine did fine in class. The kids that went to inner city schools or small town schools with little resources struggled and ultimately had to leave school. That was upsetting to me because those kids worked hard but were not adequately prepared for college through no fault of their own. I decided that when I got out of school, I would do whatever I could to help if I saw an opportunity to do so. In 1980, I was 26, single and self employed but saw an opportunity to go teach in the inner city and I jumped on it. I was a non paid volunteer so whenever I was in class, I wasn't earning a living but this was important enough that I was willing to make the sacrifice. I taught 4th and 8th grade minority kids. I would be the class instructor every Friday morning and usually taught 3 classes a semester. So the kids would have their regular teacher Monday thru Thursday and I was their teacher evert Friday. I did this for 40 straight semesters. That's 20 straight years. It cost me somewhere between 500k-750k of my time and money. With the help of others, we helped put many black and illegal Mexican kids through college . I also helped raise money and taught roughly 100 training classes to get more volunteers to teach. I wish that I could have done more for these kids because back then as today, very few give a damn about them. Randolph, let's hear what you've done. The purpose of my comments are due to the fact that the football players wanted outreach to the inner city and this is one way that they can do so. If they believe that inner city out reach is important, quit talking about it and go do something about it. Talk is cheap.