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Everything posted by realgreggym

  1. The Mexican government wanted this illegal arrested for murder in Mexico. Supposedly this is the fifth child he and his wife have had supposedly all at taxpayer expense. Why do you think is racist.
  2. Goat, not trying to be rude. Have you ever learned from a mistake you've made. If you have, thats called experience.
  3. Andrew, thats the way to look at your situation. I did the same. I beat that crap and if it comes back, I'll beat it again. You have the right attitude. Just make sure you're 100% before coming back. I know you want to be on the court with your team mates but don't rush yourself. Don't let emotions get in the way of making the right decision. BTW, you don't know this yet but this minor incident will help you do amazing things throughout your lifetime.
  4. You can't understand this because you have never been in that position but quite often there is an adjustment period for new kids moving up to the next level and sometimes its even more difficult when you're on a young team. What you are arguing is that whoever reaches the 3 mile mark first in a marathon wins it. The bottom line is that by the end of the season, Allen was good enough to be a first round pick. For someone who claims to be a big fan, you sure take cheap shots at players.
  5. I don't want to get in the middle of this but you never know what a recruit is thinking and for some, stuff like this helps. Thats why everyone does it. Kids will make decisions sometimes based on stuff you would never believe would mean as much to them as it does.
  6. What's wrong orca. Your google is down? Gaza was bombed yesterday because Hamas fired a large number of rockets into Israel wounding about 20 people.
  7. Gil, the only thing that you have proven is that something good, your son could come out of a pile of shit like you.
  8. Why was Gaza bombed last night.
  9. This may cause more harm than good. Will some kids benefit? Probably but like has been pointed out, it makes things more difficult for coaches to manage a program. Some kids will go this route that have no business doing so and if I am a coach, I might just recruit past this kid. Of course, every kid wants to go to the league and as soon as possible but sometimes spending a year or two in college makes sense from a maturity level.. There are too many kids out of school, their NBA dreams gone and no clue what to do next.
  10. Its not the number of seats in a gym, its how they are configured in relationship to the court..
  11. Whatever they decide, the gym needs to be close to campus. You can get 16k to games but there is nothing wrong if you build one smaller venue. It needs to be basketball first in its design. The games need to be fan friendly including getting students in and out of the gym
  12. I learned something. Didn't know he was in Fandango. Did you know that Denton Cooley played hoops at UT?
  13. Congrats Dan. Well deserved!
  14. You're not smart enough to understand this but the Israelis won the land in battle most recently.
  15. You know what I want you piece of trash, I want peace in the middle east. You're too G-d damn stupid to know that its Israel that wants peace. What the fuck have the piece of feces Palestinians done to make you believe they want peace.
  16. There is no occupation. That land was won in battle. Its that simple. When they are willing to guarantee Israel's right to exist and its right to its security, then something may happen.
  17. If the Palestinians wanted their own country, they could have accepted the deal that they were offered and approved of.. They don't want their own state, they want Israel wiped of the face of the earth and thats not happening.
  18. Most of those killed were Hamas and if you are stupid enough to go to anarea where Hamas was going to intentionally cause violence, then what do you expect. Stay away from the border and you won't get shot. They tookthe WB in battle just like Texas was won in battle against Santa Anna. And if the Israelis wanted, they could get rid of every Palestinian if they chose to do so. Instead they offered the WB as a Palestinian country and the Palestinian leaders declined even after they were thrilled with the negotiations for their own country..
  19. You mean like the Jenin massacre?
  20. You mean like when there were UN peacekeepers in southern Lebanon a few years ago to provide a buffer between Israel and Lebanon. And when Hezbollah attacked Israel, the peacekeepers sided with Hezbollah. Sounds like a great idea. If Israel wanted the West Bank, they could take it. The UN is already highly anti Israel so the blowback would be nothing new. Only some one like you would believe that Israel thinks encouraging terrorist attacks is a good thing. A few days ago, a 22 year old IDF soldier was killed by Hamas A couple of weeks ago, 3 female members of the IDF all under the age of 22 were murdered in a terrorist attack and a couple were murdered a few weeks earlier. Right, thats a good thing. And maybe you don't remember or never knew that on several occasions the IDF went into the West Bank and removed settlers that caused much violence from some of those WB settlements. Doesn't support your WB takeover does it. All that you are doing is regurgitating old nonsense. BTW, why doesn't anyone complain that the border between Gaza and Egypt is blocked as well. Doesn't work into your mantra.
  21. If I remember, that didn't happen until the 90s. Israeli Arabs can also own property, travel freely and have their own businesses.
  22. So how do you explain the Israeli Arabs in the Knesset.
  23. You are showing your true colors although they were already obvious. I used Arafat to prove past history that you didn't know because you didn't google that. The things that you just mentioned like water rights were already negotiated. Your problem is your lack of knowledge because that knowledge comes from your googling your point of view. BTW, Israel did leave once before. They left Gaza unilaterally in hopes that it would help the peace process and they were wrong. When your idiot side guarantees Israel's security, things will change but your side doesn't want that.
  24. You're an idiot. Quit embarrassing yourself. The Palestinians could have already had their own country. They declined. And to say that Hamas has no relevancy is beyond stupidity. The only thing that you proved is that you have no clue. Keep up your hatred. Its always good to read what people like you at the bottom of the bell curve think. Its comic relief.
  25. You are correct. There will be a Palestinian country when hamas changes its charter and Palestinian mothers love their children more than they hate the Israelis. These people have constantly screwed up. They could have had their own country. Instead that piece of crap Arafat who wasn't even Palestinian said no because he survived and made a couple of billion on keeping Israel as the enemy. Soon after, he started the Intifada and a lot of people were killed and wounded unnecessarily. Orca, Israel is a technological superpower despite the fact that they are in a constant state of war, spend a large percentage of their economy on defense and that they have a draft for the majority of their high school kids. They want a Palestinian country and it was once negotiated. If Israel could have their security guaranteed, it would become a superpower almost immediately and the lives of the Palestinians would benefit immediately. When Palestinian children can have the same goals and dreams as the Israeli children currently do, the Middle East will flourish and become a major economic region where most will benefit.
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