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Everything posted by realgreggym

  1. Thats weak even for you.
  2. Your screen name fits you well. Again, where are the collusion charges.
  3. You are correct. The FBI and DOJ conspiracy in the 2016 campaign is much bigger than breaking into an office. Now go take your libtard self to the next Bernie rally or maybe go burn an American flag in front of one of your libtard Congressmen as your fellow libtards do.
  4. And which of those indictments have to do with collusion. Everything that Manafort is being accused of happened long before his association with the Trump campaign. As for the Russians, some of them are ready to start the trial process and Mueller backed off because he didn't think that any of them would respond. One of those businesses is ready for trial and Mueller backed off. One of those companies didn't exist at the time of the supposed crimes. And he indicted 12 Russians knowing that nothing would happen but those indictments would make people like you think he's getting to the bottom of the collusion probe. Spys gonna spy.Thats a revelation. If he had anything on Trump collusion, the desperate media would have leaked something by now. BTW, what is Manafort being charged with.
  5. We have been waiting over 500 days.
  6. You are correct. He beat that piece of feces Hillary and to the libtards, thats his crime.
  7. There's your 2020 campaign slogan. If it gets him reelected, it works for me.
  8. Yeah, we understand that you don't understand the difference between Constitutional Treason and the more general definition. Let us know when someone else tells you how to think. I'll stick to the Constitution. You can stick with CNN. I'll listen to these 2 Constitutional scholars. You can let CNN do the thinking for you.
  9. You're right. 2 highly respected Constitutional scholars who have been teaching law for decades don't know as much as this board does. What was I thinking? You don't know this but treason is defined in the Constitution. So according to the Constitution there is no treason but the idiots at CNN and Msnbc know otherwise.
  10. I am merely relaying what law Profs. Alan Dershowitz and Stephen Cohen said since some on this board don't understand what treason is. I am not trying to convince anyone. The fact is a fact.
  11. He didn't commit treason.
  12. you're the expert on the topic so I will defer to you.
  13. Trump did not commit treason.
  14. And he beat the crap out of your retard so what does that say about you. And you want to talk about treason, you have much experience on the topic...the hildabitch, slick the scumbag Podestas. and Obama.
  15. and 4 other languages so maybe she will be able to vote 5 times for her husband.
  16. You're assuming that you're smarter than Cletus. I like your idea. My vote would wipe out all of the idiot protestors, all of the occupoopers and all of the illegals because I am assuming that the test would be in English.
  17. I appreciate your note and I am glad that you didn't reveal your sources. I understand everything that you've said but here is my concern. My concern is the emotional side of this. Today is July. How is he and the family going to respond in October and when the season starts. I know that everyone is going to be rational and do what's right for him but if he is feeling ok even though he shouldn't be out there, the family might give in because of emotions. I have seen too many times where emotion got in the way of rational decisions. Having said that, I trust what you say is correct and I never had any concern about Coach Smart and the doctors doing the right thing. Thanks again for your note.
  18. Quit being a jerk.
  19. Im not thread crapping. I am pointing out that this young man is still undergoing treatments until September and although its great to support him, he still has a long way to go. Saying that you can't wait to see him play next year could be giving him false hope and thats not fair to the young man. My .02
  20. If it comes from Andrew, do what you want. If its an article, that's different in my opinion.
  21. End thread. Game over.
  22. No one wants to see Andrew back on the court more than me but this stuff and these articles need to stop. Derka, Im not trying to be rude to you or anyone writing articles but this needs to stop. If he makes it back great but he probably needs to redshirt. All of this PR isn't helpful and can put pressure on him and his family unnecessarily.
  23. Charlie Sheen played an Indian which also makes him more Native American than Warren. For that matter, so is Bob Uecker.
  24. And probably more Native American than Warren.
  25. Hope they find oil. There are some dems on the board as well as Cheney.
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