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Everything posted by realgreggym

  1. That kid was lucky. Hamas has a long history of sneaking into the homes of Israelis and slitting the throats of 6 month old babies., young children and their parents while they slept. Or he could have been shot in the back by Palestinians as has happened quite often in the past in hopes of getting bad PR to the Israelis.
  2. Both sides.
  3. Care to comment on the Israelis murdered by terrorists driving cars into crowds. A couple of weeks ago, 3 young Israelis were killed, ages 20-22. That happens on average of 1 a month. I don't remember. Did you post about the horrible stabbings that Palestinians did to Israelis for months for no reason while they were walking down a street. Maybe you can explain why a terrorist stabbed and murdered a Rabbi and his wife in front of their 3 children a number of months ago. I also must have missed your postings thanking the IDF for another Operation Good Neighbor. A few weeks ago, the IDF brought tons of medical, supplies, food, clothing and any other needed supplies to 4 Syrian refugee camps in southern Syria and they do it several times a year. Northern Israeli hospitals are full of Syrian refugees and Israeli hospitals in the south are full of Palestinians especially children. And you probably don't know this but Palestinian terrorists and their families receive compensation when committing acts of violence against Israelis. Like I said.. both sides have much to answer for.
  4. On both sides.
  5. Considering Aggy record against the rest of the SEC, you could make a really good case that Aggy isn't SEC good.
  6. You're clueless. Everyone here is anonymous. I have no idea who anyone else is and no one knows who I am. Now go out and help someone out.
  7. Every election in the future will be worse than the previous election regardless of who is running.
  8. It wasn't charity. It was called lending a helping hand. You should try it sometimes.
  9. We are right here praying that she runs again.
  10. You forgot that we hate minorities, old people and that we have no problems starving young children. You're slipping/.
  11. You want to name Jordan after our old basketball gym?
  12. Everyone that watches Fox knows he's a republican. Especially the liberal guests that they have on their shows.
  13. Living in Houston and having a lot of rain this week, I have been really busy yelling at clouds. Just remember to stay off my lawn. Why are you on here when there are redfish to be caught?
  14. You were doing fine until … the supporting policies crap. One of the reasons that I did what I did was because there were in fact some kids who had the possibility of succeeding and they deserved a chance. Some did great and a few fell short but each of them deserved a chance to succeed. As far as your political crap was concerned, both sides are guilty. Democrats wanted inner city kids to not get a good education so they would need handouts and would vote for democrats. Republicans knew that inner city would vote democrat so they didn't care. Its a shame that the democrats are owned by the teachers unions. I have to believe that vouchers and school choice would go a long way to helping minority kids and more Kipp schools would probably be a positive as well.
  15. Its not a claim. Its a fact.
  16. I did but if you have been paying attention since then, you would know that things have gotten a lot worse.
  17. Despite the fact that you are a piece of crap, I am going to answer. I don't have white guilt. Thats your liberal crap. When I was in college, I had a couple of black teammates. One was from inner city Houston and the other was from a small town in east Texas. Both were good kids and worked hard in the classroom. The problem was that despite that, they came from poor schools and couldn't handle college. Both were gone after their freshman year. I thought that was horrible and decided if I was ever in a position to do anything, that I would. That has nothing to do with white guilt. It has to do with giving a damn about others. You should try it sometimes.
  18. I have a request. I would like to see one of the liberals on this board start a new thread and call it something along the lines of what liberals don't like about the democrat party. Many of you have taken shots at me because I admit to support the GOP even with a lot of crap that goes on. I would like to see some on the left criticize your party. Only liberals can post.
  19. I am no bigger fool than you and the overwhelming number of posters that post liberal crap. Maybe you need to look in the mirror. I recognize the crap that my party does. Maybe you and your ilk should do the same.
  20. Be careful what you wish for. BTW, I have put more blacks and illegal Mexican kids through college on my nickel than you and 99% of your side has so your talk is cheap.
  21. You mean like the last 8 or so years. You lost the WH, SC, Congress and somewhere in the neighborhood of 1000 local elections. Keep moving towards socialism and see what happens.
  22. I won't have a stroke as long as your side continues to support your idiot candidates. Hillary made voting easy.
  23. You must have had one hell of an 8 year nap.
  24. I feel the same way about you and your beliefs.
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