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Everything posted by realgreggym

  1. We feel the same way about liberals. I mean, look at who you support. It cuts both ways. One day you will understand that. Both sides are cesspools.
  2. And you are one of the few Ds to admit that you have the same in your party.
  3. I never said that but since you're a libtard, you're an idiot. Fraud,
  4. And if you voted for slick, so do you. Cool.
  5. Absolutely. Hillary was probably the worst Presidential candidate in my lifetime.
  6. Bill Clinton wasn't my President.
  7. If he's not in hell, he's catching hell from Mary Jo.
  8. I have stated numerous times on this thread that if an R does something inappropriate or against the law, they should receive appropriate justice for what they did. Too bad that piece of crap Teddy didn't but he is residing in hell so thats something.
  9. Maybe that should be a new thread since I suspect I am not the only one that votes straight ticket.
  10. Thanks. I mainly post on bball stuff. Its much safer. lol
  11. That just means that I have a lot of experience on this subject matter.
  12. zork, for some reason, my username didn't work here so I just made a minor change to be able to sign in. Greggym is the only username that I have ever used.
  13. Not working hard at all. I am just trying to show posters some courtesy by answering them. I have no idea what the rest of your rambling is.
  14. Just like all the posters on the who are you voting for thread that said the same thing.
  15. I'm not Tahoe but I will consider your comment right after you find a cure for Trump Derangement Syndrome. I have been thinking for myself for decades.
  16. no, been voting republican since Nixon. But if someone on my side of the aisle does something illegal, there should be consequences.
  17. I am not giving any one a pass and never have given a pass to anyone on my side of the aisle. If they did something wrong, there should be consequences and as I said earlier, I have been saying that since Packwood.
  18. You could move to California.
  19. We have a legal system.
  20. If Jordan is guilty of the allegations, he should suffer the appropriate consequences. I have always said that going back to Packwood.
  21. You are correct but it was still inappropriate and he had no idea why. The larger point is that he continued to get reelected by his constituents..
  22. Evidently it was back then. But even if it wasn't illegal, he suffered no consequences.
  23. No, fucking an underaged boy is worse than a pedophile.
  24. He has sex with an underaged boy and didn't understand why that was wrong. The larger point is that he still got reelected several times by his liberal constituents and his party gave him an important committee chairmanship.. Studds admitted what he did and all of a sudden 20 years down the road, wrestlers, some with questionable backgrounds and motives start this stuff about Jordan. Studds is worse until the allegations against Jordan are proven true.
  25. Gary Studds. That took a nanosecond. If you want more, google is your friend.
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