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Everything posted by realgreggym

  1. In his first 2 years when he controlled Congress, he did nothing. I don't remember so please remind me of all the times the media and Democrats in Congress went down to the border when O was in the WH and complained about the cages the kids were living in, kids sleeping on dirty floors and given tin foil instead of blankets. And Obama did everything he could to distance himself from the border problem.
  2. Hillary rigged the primaries and tried to rig the election. Democrats show phony outrage over the border. When this border crap was going on when Obama was in the WH, silence There are videos of Hillary and Chuckie being against illegal immigration when there was a D in the WH and now with an R in the WH, they are in favor of open borders. The idiot Gov Moonbeam was against Asian immigration in the 70s and 80s because California needed to spend money on Californians. Now anyone can come in and live there as long as they vote D. We can go back to Packwood and trying to get him out of Congress when his allegations came out. Your side didn't care when Slick was running wild and the Democrat candidate for President threatened his victims if they talked. Kennedy killed a woman and was well known for molesting lots of women. What does the SC have to do with this. Both sides are equally pathetic.
  3. This may be the only time I ever say this...you are right. I must be getting old.
  4. 512, its to my understanding that his treatments don't end until September. If he can come back at 100% sometime during the year, thats great but its not as easy as most think. Being back at 100% is a far cry from the video of him above. Personally he should plan on redshirting this year but if the doctors give him a clean bill of health, then it will be tough to keep him off the court.
  5. Its the way that both sides of the aisle think.
  6. Yes, I covered that with the clear implication that those without morals, principles, or a spine may make their decision based on that. Which are the majority on both sides of the aisle. My side is just as pathetic as the other side.
  7. You're wrong and you know it. That has nothing to do with it. The only thing that matters is if you have a R or D after your name.
  8. Bozo, you must have ESPN. I think thats when 2 people are thinking about sports at the same time. When I wrote that, I immediately thought of Russell. As far as credibility is concerned, it probably depends on which side of the aisle you live on.
  9. Any Democrat
  10. He can become a democrat where this is considered to be a resume enhancement.
  11. Yetts spent time in prison.
  12. A shout out to a fellow MOT who also wrote White Christmas.
  13. Many go for the restrooms.
  14. Because you have little understanding of the game, you don't have the ability to understand that sometimes there are problems when a new coach takes over when the kids that he is coaching aren't kids he recruited. When you have been in a program for 3 or 4 years and now there is a coach that does things differently, it can cause friction and problems. Not always but it could be a problem. What you don't understand is that a program isn't for one year. You want to build a long term successful program which is what Coach Smart is attempting to do. I and others have pointed out that some of the best coaches in the country had rough beginnings but if you had your way, Coach K, Coach Izzo, Coach Wooden and numerous others wouldn't have made it past their first couple of years. You may want to start paying attention to what some posters here say instead of trying to prove how smart you are because its not working.
  15. matt, you are correct and I support Coach Smart for obvious reasons. I have also supported all of our coaches and have wished them well when they left. Its possible that I knew Coach Barnes better than anyone here but even good coaches get into a rut and need to move on and get reenergized. It happens all the time. As far as Coach Smart is concerned, I have said from Day 1 that a coach unless he is a total disaster which isn't the case here, he should be able to coach his first recruiting class through their senior year. Like most coaches, he has had some hits and misses but this will be his first year where there will actually be senior leadership and he will have an experienced point guard who now understands what college hoops is all about and what it takes to win. We will still be young but with senior leadership and the young guys that got thrown into the fire, this team could be really good.
  16. Slater and Junior played in a much different time. That question doesn't apply. I believe that picture was of KD's team and not a picture of Longhorn greats.
  17. No, he was executed and of course, Israel destroyed the nuke plant in Syria like they did at Osirak.
  18. My guess would be the classified email with the name of an Iranian nuclear scientist that was helping the CIA get info on the Iranian nuke program. Iranians saw the email, went after him and he was executed. Just my .02
  19. Post of the Year. 2 greatest Celtics: Russell and Bird...Greatness!
  20. Rex, I agree on the confusion about MM but I'll give it a try. MM is a Hollywood guy who thinks he's special. Granted he probably gives money to the athletic dept but he uses his name to get in with the football team. He takes pictures all the time usually with some of the team's stars if thats the right word and probably seldom with the Mickeys of the team. I could be 100% wrong but maybe that was the OPs point. Its the Mickeys that get their butts kicked in practice to help the starters and other players to develop and get better. Just my .02
  21. realgreggym


    Sounds like a source from the NYT.
  22. Thats not the point and you know it. These young girls were separated from their parents in Central America not at our border and their parents knew that the young girls were going to get raped, molested and abused because there was no one to take care of them and protect them.. And some of the girls probably were old enough to get pregnant.
  23. Congrats to your Dad from a fellow letterman. Very few fans truly understand the dedication and hard work that goes into all of this. Not being rude but they come to the games and cheer for the team and some of those on the field get lots of publicity but there are a lot of Mickeys that are need to make the team successful. Thanks for posting.
  24. You need to pay better attention. The Border Patrol said that they found young girls at the border as young as 4 that had birth control pills on them that were given to them by their parents in Central America before they sent their young girls alone to America. The parents did so because they knew that their daughters were going to be raped, molested and abused on their way to the US border. The Border Patrol said that not me. You fucking retard. I may be dumber than Trump but you're dumber than that piece of shit Hillary..
  25. Or he will run and win again because it will make the libtard media miserable for another 4 years.
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