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Everything posted by realgreggym

  1. If only TJ had as much knowledge as some posters. he wouldn't have made such a stupid comment.
  2. Maybe thats because the kids are smarter.
  3. I actually agree. You commit to a school so why are most posters upset that Coach Terry could be our next coach.
  4. Not at all. These kids want to know who their coaches will be if they come to Texas. This is nothing new.
  5. It was great because it was our fight song and even Bud couldn't take it away from us.
  6. You must be looking in the mirror.
  7. Big deal. A pastrami sandwich did that.
  8. Glad the Romans kicked their tuckuses.
  9. Thanks. Hope they resign him asap.
  10. Question. Was our new GM involved in the Tucker arbitration? If not, can the new GM negotiate a new contract with him now. You want him happy this year and you don't want to lose him. Does that make sense?
  11. You're making my point. You're confusing experience for development. Development is when you are in the off season and go to the gym and shoot 300 or 400 3s a day. Development is when you hit the weight room to get bigger and stronger. It's when you practice improving your skills. That doesn't mean that you don't get netter during the season but it's the hard work during the off season that makes you more successful during the season.
  12. I am not making excuses. I am speaking from experience. Believe whatever you like.
  13. You can't compare our kids to kids on other teams. Every situation is different. I will discuss Hunter when you know exactly what his situation is. You don't know and neither do I. There was thought that he had been hurt but I think that his problems are more mental since Beard got fired, Also, when kids make the jump to college they may have to adjust and with someone like Mitchell who really was successful because of his athletic ability rather than having a game, it may take time.
  14. Player development does not occur during the season. Kids get experience during the season. Most of a players development comes during the offseason and usually the greatest increase in development comes after the kid's freshman year. If Coach Terry is our coach, you can determine whether or not, he and the staff are capable of player development. Until then, its 100% speculation.
  15. If I'm not mistaken, Mattingly's agent was Jim Krivacs.
  16. All you do is respond with an emoji because that's all you're capable of doing and I am several years younger than your dad.
  17. nice try. I am talking about posts on several different topics that you never responded to other than an emoji.
  18. Just like you not responding to me.
  19. There was something that one of the announcers said that if true was wrong. Every time a team goes on the road, they have the right to practice on the other team's court. Supposedly, WV was unable to have a workout on the Moody court. If there was an unusual circumstance, that's one thing but if not, that's wrong and the school should apologize if they already haven't. Good win.
  20. Is that good?
  21. not necessarily true.
  22. Some of us are more than fans and some of us have been following Texas hoops longer than many posters will be alive. You have no clue and neither do I or any poster about what the future brings if Coach Terry is our coach next year. The kids are responding to him and that's all that matters. Duke fans and alums wanted Coach K gone the first 3 years that he was at Duke. Fortunately, their AD didn't pay attention to them.
  23. There is more to this than just talking in locker rooms or to the media. Fans never see what goes on outside of games. They don't see practices and film study and other activities. Coaches have to know how to press a kid's buttons so to speak. With some kids, a coach can get in their face and yell at him, and the kid will react positively.; Other times, you have to communicate with a kid in a different way for them to respond positively. Fans don't see that. It's human nature to want a name coach but a great coach can get his team to respond positively and so far, Coach Terry is doing that.
  24. Members of the jury, I rest my case.
  25. I don't understand. Who doesn't like a librarian?
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