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  1. I’m going Saturday in Austin and was curious about the current makeup of the band. From Reddit, Zak (bassist) left to raise a family and to have a steady job. Shane (drummer) left because Matt was sleeping with his wife. Katie left mid tour a while back. I don’t see them getting back together anytime soon, which is a bummer. That original lineup was a lot of fun. I go back with them to a Parish showing during SXSW when they just had an EP out.
  2. The Handmaiden - This was #24 on The Big Picture's best of the 21st century, so I decided to watch it. What a wild fucking ride and damn good movie this is. I am by no means a Park Chan-Wook expert, but I have seen Oldboy, so I get the idea. This is similar in that it is really twisty, sexually charged and depraved. It is also impeccably made. The production and direction are top notch. I really enjoyed it and recommend giving it a look if you're up for a foreign thriller. I went in blind and would recommend the same for anyone else.
  3. Tommy for me
  4. I can't stand people throwing "free speech" around as if they won some argument. They look like idiots. As Zegler is an employee, that Exec had every right to tell her to shut the fuck up. You can argue whether he should or not, but he certainly has the right to do it. If he did it to Zegler, I hope he did the same to Gal Gadot. I generally agree with her stances, but I may have done the same thing in order to save the movie I produced. That said, I don't think her outspokenness had a ton to do with the movie's underperformance. It probably hurt some and added to the chaotic narrative of the movie, but making a good movie should have been the producer's focus and not shutting down press after the fact.
  5. About a decade ago, I ate at the table next to Josh Duhamel and Fergie at Winflo on 6th That’s all I got
  6. Stringer


    As a stem cell transplant patient, I can’t get the MMR vaccine, so this shit is a stresser I don’t need. Useless idiots.
  7. Last year, we were watching one race and they kept showing the women with "[Driver]'s girlfriend and model". I eventually just told my wife that they can just leave the second part off. It's pretty obvious that's the case.
  8. I think this gets lost in all of the other controversies. It’s an almost 90 year old movie and is not that great anyway. A remake of something like The Lion King, Aladdin or The Little Mermaid make financial (not creative) sense because the parents of the kids now grew up with those in their home and in theaters. It puts multiple generations in the seats to share something nostalgic for the parents and something fun for the kids. Snow White was locked in the Disney vault (remember that?) for years and the 25-45 year old parent didn’t have access to the movie and grow up with it. My kids have seen it but it’s not an essential text for them, nor me. Dumbo was the other live action remake that didn’t do well for similar reasons.
  9. Fucking Christ. When can we stop talking about Chris Fucking Beard? 2045? It’s on every thread.
  10. UCONN is getting decent shots, they just can’t hit anything.
  11. That’s spitting distance from my house and I drive that stretch every day. I don’t recall seeing black smoke or anything like that. I must be totally blind to it somehow. We’ve lived here for 10 years and been to Chez Zee once. That was enough.
  12. Maybe but I just looked and the Vegas shooting at the music festival was 60 dead and over 400 injured, increasing to over 800 if you include people injured in the ensuing panic (the show had some of those injuries). That’s a ton of people to run through a hospital in a short time. What they showed doesn’t seem too crazy. They did say the majority were coming to them, so some are going to other hospitals. They’re just closest so naturally in a rush as non-emergency vehicles are bringing people in, they’re just going to the closest hospital. Can’t defend the baby and the vag.
  13. These games suck so bad. HP made it interesting for like 2 minutes.
  14. Nice 16-6 run to end the game. Good job everyone.
  15. Stop letting them take open 3’s. Christ
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