Thanks for checking in. Sorry I haven't given any updates.
My 180 day marrow tests came back negative and my engraftment test said 100%, essentially meaning I have all new marrow. Wild.
It's been really hard to process, mainly because my doctor said that he doesn't really feel we're done until 2 years post-transplant. He said he's only had one or two come back because of a relapse after 2 years. That said, all of the current metrics are right where they need to be, so I'm in the best position I could be in. In general, I feel 100% normal outside of some minor issues here and there. Just have to wait out another 18 months. My marrow tests will be every 6 months from here on (assuming no relapse) and I'll see the doctor when I go get them done. I do have to keep doing blood tests weekly for now here in Austin to make sure my meds aren't causing issues. I will slowly be able to wean off of those in the future, so looking forward to that.
He does want me on a drug that he thinks helps keep it away, as they have had good results with it on relapses. My insurance rejected it because they're fucks who know more than the best cancer hospital in the world. I asked what the out of pocket was and they told me it was $19K. Per month. I'm waiting on a response on my appeal, but how is that in any way a properly functioning industry?
Good luck to everyone. Keep truckin'
TLDR: Best place I can be, but still need to stay vigilant. Fuck medical costs and insurance companies.