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Ghost of Shag

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  1. I checked that out and then clicked on one other episode and…… ….holy shit… …never going anywhere near that account again.
  2. This has probably been discussed but what ties does Sanchez have to Ohio State? We never seemed to have a shot.
  3. Love Arch as much as the next guy, but this is a dumb comparison. Tyreek smokes Arch in a race.
  4. I love this team. We are so deep it’s amazing. I still have a few questions to be answered though: 1) What happens when our secondary faces a qb with a pulse? 2) Will we be able to run the ball against top tier teams? I hate that we don’t run more than we do. 3) Can Quinn stay healthy? 4) Will we be able to get out of our own way? The false starts are getting ridiculous.
  5. Can we send out the mercenaries?
  6. See that. Think we’re gonna be good.
  7. Tennessee has 44 points four minutes into the second quarter.
  8. You can tell from the play calling that Sark doesn’t trust Arch just yet. Run the ball and get out of the game.
  9. I still think it happened on the run play before the play to Helm.
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