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Ghost of Shag

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Everything posted by Ghost of Shag

  1. Could we play well in the first half just fucking once?
  2. Kyrie Irving is one of a very small handful of players who will cause me to stop cheering for a team because he’s on the roster. My interest in the NBA was already waning but I’m done with the Mavs until that bitch is gone.
  3. Bishop continues to give us nothing. He has been terribad this year.
  4. Thamba is growing a legitimate garden of pubes on his chin.
  5. Anyone who has been watching this team could see this coming. We’ve sucked, despite our record, for three weeks.
  6. Great decision to punt McCarthy you dumbass.
  7. Everything you say is stupid as shit. The defense is the only reason Dallas is in this game.
  8. Dak has to be the dumbest quarterback in the league.
  9. Oh we’re gonna see. See some more shitty quarterback play.
  10. Dallas is stuck. Stuck with a lame ass coach. Stuck with a stupid OC. Stuck with a shitty quarterback. Stuck with a kicker who can’t make a fucking extra point. And stuck with an owner who has run this franchise into the ground.
  11. You gotta be fucking kidding me with this bullshit.
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