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Ghost of Shag

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Everything posted by Ghost of Shag

  1. We’re not gonna do anything with Quinn, fellas. Misses like these are a sign of a much bigger problem.
  2. Yeah and it’s hard to complain much after tonight but the defense seems to be heading in the wrong direction.
  3. One of my favorite all-time Horns. Busted his ass and gave his all on every play. Good luck, Rojo.
  4. The Cowboys have been the dumbest team in the league for twenty years.
  5. Late to the game here…do we not have any interest in Jojo Earle or does he not have interest in us?
  6. Who gives a shit. Grow some hair on your balls and get over it.
  7. No, dumbass. I’m glad we got her out. There wasn’t going to be an even exchange, as has already been discussed. That doesn’t excuse every uneven trade as justifiable on the basis of a single American life saved.
  8. I agree with most of what you’ve said but this right here is a stance that’s easy to take when you have no real experience dealing with these types of negotiations. Simply, there are plenty of uneven trades that are not worth the life of a single American, no matter who it is. Beyond that, this strategy is pure bullshit to the degree that you either haven’t fully thought through it, or you’re not as smart as you’d like to present yourself on this board.
  9. Trashmaster G really took this graphic hard, didn’t he?
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