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Ghost of Shag

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Everything posted by Ghost of Shag

  1. Listen. You motherfuckers are not going to come in here and out-reverse-jinx us. You’re going to whip our ass and like it. And that’s final.
  2. There have been a lot of quarterbacks play against us who “ain’t that good” and then light us up because we can’t play defense.
  3. So are we just chalking up some of these terrible throws to youth and only his third start? That’s 4th down pass to Cain was reminiscent of what Casey Thompson threw up to Worthy last year. I thought Quinn was suppose to throw a great deep ball, but his timing thus far has been pretty bad. I’d like to see him step into it and sling it instead of lofting it way up in the air.
  4. How bad is it when I’m actively wanting us to defend 3rd and 4 instead of 3rd and 13?
  5. Sirianni is Matt Campbell’s lover.
  6. Stop the fucking run and make Hurts earn it. He can’t do it.
  7. Also, I’m impressed with the adjustments made by the offense since the half.
  8. I’m not a believer in Hurts. Love to see a Diggs pick here.
  9. I don’t think the Eagles are that great. If they’re the best in the NFC then this conference is waaaaay down.
  10. Honeymoon is over for Rush. There won’t be any QB controversy this week.
  11. The Cowboys have been the dumbest fucking team in the league for over twenty years. Just consistently a bunch of dumb fucks.
  12. Shhhhhh. You’ll get bitched at for not getting excited about a win.
  13. None of our DBs are impressive and I’m convinced our DB coach doesn’t actually exist.
  14. Never said I was upset last week. Just wasn’t gonna get excited. For this very reason. Same old shit for over a decade.
  15. Where’s all the bitches telling me I ought to be excited as a fan.
  16. Fucking middle of the field is open all day against us.
  17. Players are being put in position to make plays. They just aren’t making them.
  18. Since when are we content with winning one game? Yeah, it was OU and we blew their asses out in the biggest game of the year. I loved it. But I’m not into winning single games. I’m into winning championships, something we haven’t done in over a decade. Great win. Now build on it. Beat the teams you should beat. Compete for championships. Stop shitting the bed against inferiority. Fucking Charlie Strong beat OU. Herman beat OU. Half you fuckers were all “I’m out” two weeks ago after the Tech game. Now it’s “we’re gonna run the table RAWR.” Someone win a damn championship.
  19. No. But I’m jaded. It has been a long twelve years. If we beat Iowa State and then Okie State on the road, I’ll really start believing.
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