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Ghost of Shag

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Everything posted by Ghost of Shag

  1. So Ketch says Neyor should be fine and SomeGuy says he’s pessimistic and it’s an ACL/MCL. Shit.
  2. Nobody is arguing that Card should start. You’d have to be a masochist to want him to start. I did expect that after leaving high school early and being in his second program that he’d be turning heads in a way that is more obvious than what we’re currently hearing. Then again, $9.95 and shit.
  3. Our entire season hinges on Ewers being a significant upgrade from last year. And there has been little to nothing in terms of reports that would affirm this is the case.
  4. Damn I hope all this confidence in Ewers is legit.
  5. You leave my fucking acne out of this.
  6. Just curious. Do we have the worst $9.95 guys in the industry? Because they suck.
  7. As recently as this week Hill has been rumored to be leaning toward Texas. Unless I missed something significant, not sure where you’re getting this. That said, aggy is due to shut an elite prospect down quicker than anyone expects.
  8. Change your username, Vic? She’s a bit skinny for you, yeah?
  9. So did Gerry just fuck this up for Kirkland, is that the story?
  10. Blind trust does seem to be your favorite approach. I’ll bet Tom Herman did a number on your psyche.
  11. Did you watch the film? I asked what you see that is elite and you said “ALABAMA AND GEORGIA AND CLEMSON WANT HIM.” As I said, I’m thrilled we got him. Especially for the recruiting boom. I hope he turns out to be elite. That would be great, and I’m certainly wrong on this stuff more than I’m right. We’ve seen elite around here and I’d love to see it again.
  12. Yeah I’m an aggy, fucktard. That’s what I must be since I don’t jack off to the majority opinion. I liked Vertigo’s take and repped accordingly. It didn’t contradict the fact that I don’t see Arch as the third perfectly rated quarterback in history. I don’t think his arm strength is as good as Vince or Ewers. His mobility is average. But I do agree with others that his mental makeup and leadership abilities may be elite. I don’t give a shit if I get negged for not buying into the groupthink.
  13. I’m getting neg bombed by those who don’t like that my take doesn’t fit the off-season kool-aid narrative.
  14. This won’t be popular but I’m interested in the discussion. Let me say you front that I’m thrilled for Arch Manning’s commitment. Mostly I’m thrilled because of the recruiting boom it gives us. Also excited to have the Mannings as a part of the program. But I’m of the camp that’s undecided on Arch as a five-star quarterback. If you watch his junior film, there’s nothing that screams “five-star,” much less #1 player in the nation, much less third 1.000 rated player in history. Vince jumped off the video. Ewers had the arm and accuracy and made it look simple. Farrell got crushed today for saying Arch would be a three-star if not for his last name. I don’t know if I’d go that far, but I’m not seeing what apparently everyone else is seeing, particularly all the recruiting sites. But I trust my eyes more than the 9.95ers anyway. Someone tell me what they see in Arch that is elite.
  15. Does seem to be a lot of bread in that class if rankings are accurate. I mean…err…trust the corches! *ducks*
  16. Curry guarding Tatum and he passes it off. Pussy. Like Lebron when JJ Barea would pick him up in 2011.
  17. Tatum isn’t elite. He hasn’t wanted the ball all series. Can’t carry a team yet.
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