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Ghost of Shag

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Everything posted by Ghost of Shag

  1. Kellen Moore is pissing me the fuck off. They can’t stop our run game so we’re just gonna throw a hundred times with Cooper fucking Rush.
  2. Kansas City’s defense couldn’t stop the Jets.
  3. I mean there’s a chance Jerry fires McCarthy and makes Kelley Moore head coach….right? Right? Shit.
  4. This may come down to coaching. That’s not good for Dallas.
  5. Ok, I’ll bite. First of all, I never anywhere said he was a “good coach.” I said I was feeling good about the direction we were headed in under Sark, and I think that was after the TCU game. I think the jury is still out. Here are my thoughts: 1. Shitshow offensive line. How do you judge a coach who is in his first year with an offensive line this abhorrent? If we had even a mediocre offensive line, I think we’re undefeated. 2. Assistant coaches and organization. Outside of the WR coach, I was pleased with every single hire he made. Now maybe PK doesn’t work out, or someone else, but there wasn’t one of us who thought he was a bad hire. 3. I don’t think I’ve ever felt as confident in our offensive play calling. And I again believe that if we didn’t have a wet paper bag for a line, this season would be entirely different. Maybe you lay the blame for this line in the coaches not using the portal. I get that argument. I also believe it’s hard to tell what you have on the line until you get into actual games, just like it’s hard to recruit surefire offensive linemen. 4. Recruiting chops. I think this staff has them. Now his clock management and some decisions like kicking the field goal vs. going for it give me pause. I’m waiting to see what he learns, if anything. Fellas, we suck ass and we have for a decade. But at some point you have to stick with a coach. Out of Charlie, Turtle, and Sark, I’ll roll with Sark. And if I’m wrong, I’m wrong. I’m happy to stand behind that. But you should all hope to hell he’s the guy. We can’t keep on switching coaches and hope to have any success here. Nobody wants to admit that first year coaches have to go through some warts, but they simply do. Theres too much irrationality around here with talk like “well if we win out…” right after the OU game. We were never going to win out after that game. Newsflash, we’re going to lose more games this season. None of us knows how Sark will be as a coach long-term. That’s a simple fact.
  6. Where are all of the optimists? IF we win out…. Fucking idiots.
  7. Does the conference release any type of correction from games? Some shit like “officials were wrong to award a completion to an OU receiver who ran out of bounds against Texas?” Or so they just not give a shit? Oh, they don’t give a shit? Fuck this conference.
  8. What has changed is exactly what you repeated in your post. We’re now relying on a bunch of IFs. IF we run the table, IF we take care of business (when the fuck have we ever taken care of business?), IF we make the conference championship game… We were up 28-7 and looking at a bunch of WHENs. WHEN recruiting blows up, WHEN we make the Big XII championship game, WHEN we’re finally done getting our asses kicked by Oklahoma. The season went from WHEN to IF just like that. Because IF we lose this weekend, a very real possibility, all this “it’s not so bad, what has changed?” shit will quickly devolve into the same fuckery we’ve experienced for the past decade. Congrats to those of you who are over it. I’m not there yet. It’s always IF with this fucking program. I’m ready to get back to the WHEN.
  9. Except in your initial post you said he didn’t play well enough for us to win.
  10. This is bullshit. Casey played well enough to win. This game wasn’t at all on him.
  11. It is unbelievable the number of breaks that went Oklahoma’s way for them to win that damn game. Every time I think I cannot be got punched any harder by this program, I’m wrong. Fuck it all.
  12. I don’t know how some of you stay sane with this program. I’m barely holding it together.
  13. Fuck you assholes blaming Sark for this. It’s not on him.
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