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Ghost of Shag

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Everything posted by Ghost of Shag

  1. Yeah it’s time to run. Over and over and over.
  2. That fucking quarterback run just can’t happen. Shit.
  3. There’s everyone’s favorite guy Karic. Getting schooled.
  4. Just beat me to it. I agree with you, his arm strength looked better in December. That’s strange.
  5. What’s interesting is that if you go back and watch film of the ball game against Colorado, he throws three deep balls and all three are beautiful. He has it in his arsenal, but you have to wonder if it’s getting in his head now. He unleashed some beautiful deep throws in that game.
  6. I won’t even think about hoping for Stewart unless we win both of the next two games. That kid is a long shot.
  7. The Cowboys appear bettering almost every area this year save for a huge one: head coach. So ultimately it’s impossible to have faith in them against teams like Tampa, Seattle, Arizona, and even a team like Green Bay. I also think their defense is fool’s gold, despite improving.
  8. Lamb scares the hell out of me catching punts. He’s gonna botch one soon.
  9. Too often I approach this game feeling as if everything has to be perfect for us to win. My hopes this year lie in having the best player on the field, and that’s it. We won’t get pressure on Rattler, So even though we have seen better quarterbacks from the Sooners, he’s going to have all day. Oklahoma doesn’t have great backs, but Brooks is really good despite being all they’ve got. We have to run the ball and keep them off the field. That has to be the game plan.
  10. Anyone got confidence we win this? Anyone?
  11. Our coaches have no fucking idea what to do with a timeout.
  12. Schultz is having a shitty game. And I’m tired of Zeke. Three yards and a cloud of dust every time. It’s like he’s diving forward before he gets any contact.
  13. How hard is this fucking shit. He’s getting the ball out quickly because of our pass rush and just running it up the gut otherwise. Quinn sucks ass.
  14. Funny, but this game gave me a lot of confidence in Sark. He had to coach his ass off to get us that win. I see him paying attention to details and getting angry over details that make or break games. He’s winning despite a lack of talent in almost every area. You can only do so much to overcome a crappy offensive line, a weak receiver room, and a new starting quarterback. Outside of Not taking the field goal at the end, I like almost all of what I’m seeing out of our coaching.
  15. I don’t know why we didn’t kick that field goal. It may haunt us.
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