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  1. aggy has apparently been testing out a drone light show this week (a totally original idea they thought up themselves!), so they're clearly banking on a night game. The TV networks have an opportunity to do the funniest thing possible...
  2. Considering past LCL headliners and the gravity of this weekend in and around Austin, this feels incredibly fucking weak.
  3. Some serious All-Name Team potential up in FoCo. I sure hope Sark has Quinn, Jake, Anthony, and Michael prepared for this one. Mukendi and Mulumba Wa-Kalonji Buom Jock Isaiah Essissima Hidetora Hanada Nuer Gatkuoth Whitefield Powell Jernias Tafia Poukesi Vakauta Aitor Urionabarrenechea Geez…
  4. Beat me to it. Dude QB'd some of the most prolific offenses in CFB history, but he'll be stuck calling three yards and a cloud of rust every week. Cushy paycheck is a cushy paycheck, I guess. Hook 'Em, Colt!
  5. Recruiting info in a recruiting thread?..yeah that'll never work.
  6. Not quite as bad as what Houston got two weeks ago, but I puckered up pretty good when the line first hit around 6am and the tornado sirens started sounding. Naturally it’s garbage day and bulk pick-up week, so the neighborhood looks like a bomb went off…plus lots of big trees just snapped like toothpicks and strewn everywhere, only 1 of 3 streets out of the subdivision are passable at this point. There was a massive hook echo just a couple miles east of us in Garland, not sure if it ever fully spun up, but thanking our lucky stars we weren’t in the direct path.
  7. Not to discount the rest of the clip (it's funny as hell), but Butker earned himself a shoutout in the Chargers' schedule release for that stunt.
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