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Everything posted by SuperSport

  1. Pizza and wings, they spared no expense. And to be clear, I was in a 10x10. They were in that 20x40 just off Robert Dedman, so there was a little room for others to squeeze in.
  2. Side question for the lawyers/LEOs...what is required to shift from person of interest to suspect? Cuz I mean, here we have a crime, a body, loads of evidence, and a single accompanying human who is acting shady as fuck, yet every article refers to him like an innocent witness.
  3. OB for sure, had a banner and everything.
  4. The OB tailgate was in Spot #20 last Saturday (I'm at one of the 10x10s in that circle cluster). I would pay good Burnt Ends money to see Surly throw down with those mooks.
  5. SIAP. Surprised the official account would create/post something like this (as opposed to the usual rah-rah bs), hopefully the self-awareness spurs some improvement.
  6. No Linda Cardellini??
  7. Same. If tomorrow's "big news" ends up being shit..or worse, you're all getting strongly worded emails.
  8. That makes about as much sense as a screen door on a battleship. I mean, he’s gotta be trolling Surly at this point…right??
  9. Is Wiley's arm in a fucking sling? Well, there's your mystery injured starter.
  10. She admitted she messed up?
  11. I feel like lawyers could have a field day with the "Image" portion as it pertains to these two stipulations. Pretending for a moment that there is an actual valuation or ROI to the business, especially for a local business, that valuation/ROI is 100% tied to the athlete's association to a university and their performance on the field. A player with all the looks, charisma, and Twitter followers in the world does fuckall for Amy's Ice Cream if that player is a scrub at [insert other school] (hell, might even hit sales negatively if they're at OU, tOSU, etc.)...however, they could market the fuck out of an endorsement by some butt-ugly dude with no social media and the personality of a ham sandwich if that dude just so happened to be a Heisman contender at UT (thankfully we have Bijan /nohomo). NCAA and state politicians really couldn't have handled this any worse.
  12. SuperSport


    Ep. 1 is down in the On Demand section, guessing there's a 24-hr blackout after content airs live. Don't see it again in the schedule until tonight, they're showing all three in order with Ep. 3 premiering at 8pm.
  13. Excellent news. Someone help me out here...is it pronounced Juh-ray, Jay-ray, Jerry,...?
  14. SuperSport


    They gave Kunt Bowels entirely too much airtime in this first ep. Other than that, loved every second.
  15. Symbolic. Certainly didn’t buy it for the taste.
  16. Pre-COVID, AA's no-fly list was ~1800 names (like, since inception). That list has doubled in the past 18 months, mostly for mask refusal.
  17. ...or gets COVID for the 15th time. /noCR
  18. Can’t see shit.
  19. First CRAF flight for AA. Landed at FRA about six hours ago, hopping over to Ramstein tomorrow at noon local, then direct return to IAD. Second aircraft will be on the same itinerary, one day later.
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