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Everything posted by SuperSport

  1. Prepare to direct that anger at Nike... Reminds me of those terribad practice jerseys from late-era Mack...
  2. Are the lakes full yet?
  3. Ah yes, how could I forget the $10k SALT limit...thanks a lot, bin Laden Trump. /noCR
  4. I'm sure this has been asked in prior years, but the search function sucks more than the IRS... What's the best way to handle Texas sales tax to ensure maximum deduction but also avoid federal, pound-me-in-the-ass prison? The IRS' income-based deduction calculator says we spent ~$30k last year, which is absolutely laughable considering my wife's penchant for setting cash on fire + 2 kids...but they can't expect people to collect and submit 1,000+ sales receipts every year to itemize, right?? Are there any super secret CPA methods or threshold amounts that are defensible or outright fly under the audit radar? TIA.
  5. – as there's a drive into deep left field by Castellanos, it will be a home run. And so that will make it a 4–0 ballgame.
  6. Someone already posted it upthread (from On3, maybe?). Aggy made a portal sandwich.
  7. Georgia and Georgia Tech are in Georgia!
  8. I see someone already forgot about Jaylen Waddle and Gilbert Johnson.
  9. Reminds me of a budget planning meeting I was in a few years back. Some supply chain finance analyst, fresh out of college, is looking through our current-year actuals and says "You spent a lot of money on...[visible confusion] engine borescopes?..this year. Will that be needed again next year, or could we maybe only do like half the amount?" We (the engineers) just laughed.
  10. Something was signed off wrongly (incorrect torque value, improper safety wire/loctite install, etc.) or the signoff was overlooked (shift change, out-of-sequence work, etc.), but a huge QC miss either way. Would love to know who's truly responsible, but the unions are pretty good about shielding their own from scrutiny...assuming there was no alcohol or malicious intent involved.
  11. Also, this isn’t a MAX feature, the -900 (737NG) has been flying with that door/plug option configuration for 20+ years…and I’d bet good money the design was 100% untouched on the MAX to preserve the certification basis. Given how new this particular airframe is, I’m guessing it was a manufacturing QC failure, which are rarely isolated to a single tail. But AS maintenance procedures will go under the microscope as well, bc apparently it’s been squawking pressurization faults recently:
  12. Let he who has not pined after the Joey’s on Lake Union (when it was still there) waitstaff cast the first stone.
  13. That's a championship caliber coke nail right there.
  14. Is Newberry near Charleston?
  15. Keep going, I’m almost there.
  16. Chemical Explosion in bEast Texas FIFY
  17. You can thank CDC for that, it is 100% a TCU thing. Announcer: "Aaaaand that's another First Down, T..C..U--" Crowd: "FROGS!!"
  18. 💎🙌
  19. I opened an account with 30k at the beginning of covid, put about half in responsible stonks and used the rest to ride the FRSX/ALPP/MARA/SNVP/FPVD rockets to 4x returns...then put those profits in HMBL/AMYZF/IBRX to give most of it right back.
  20. Possibly on 'shrooms. Enjoy prison, fuckhead...
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