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Everything posted by SuperSport

  1. Don't worry, the trucks are on their way. They're going to be awesome!
  2. But you actually acknowledged the warning light and did something about it. That's not how this thread works.
  3. Soooo most renderings have a three-panel layout for the visuals on this thing...in the spirit of naming shit around here, do we dub this Ghidorahtron?
  4. Chris Brown gon' kill somebody.
  5. Go, BLNK, go!
  6. $36, 350%...Holy. Fuck.
  7. Fuuuuuuuuuuuuck...Kodak up another 100% pre-market. Closed at ~$2.70 on Monday, trading over $16 by Wednesday.
  8. Skydrol injections? Sign me up!
  9. ALT too. I am in Barbados.
  10. All I can say is, you could make a killing off the price swings today.
  11. Gotta love a good flash crash moonshot.
  12. Same, I exited minus today's lunch money.
  13. Something tells me you'll get another chance today.
  14. IBIO cratering. Not great, Bob...
  15. Like a house of cards.
  16. Today's revelation: the 5-lb keychain she lugs around doesn't include a key to our own fucking house. "Well I always come in through the garage, so I don't really need one." Needed one today, didn't we??
  17. [cough] COVID [cough]
  18. NOVN crashing pretty hard today, so naturally I doubled my position.
  19. "I am in Barbados" has been shamelessly appropriated for future use.
  20. They make you rich.
  21. This might be heresy for the stonk thread, but anyone know a good biotech/immunotherapy ETF? I thoroughly enjoy the rocket rides, but a sector index would be solid across-the-board coverage to avoid hunting unicorns while still profiting handsomely off the above scenario.
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