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Everything posted by SuperSport

  1. Trying to drop this hot garbage, but (surprise!) nobody is buying. Equal parts hilarious and depressing to see sell orders close for like 50 incremental shares when unloading thousands.
  2. Never tried them, but Kroger sells basically the same thing.
  3. Or let it all ride and collect BRRRRRTx2. #profit
  4. This BLNK rocket hittin' me in the feels.
  5. What?? Sorry, can't hear you.
  6. priceiswrong.gif
  7. Money printer woke up early this morning, Futures climbing like whoa.
  8. And that would be bad because...?
  9. I've never even opened the thread, but felt an obligation to post this atrocity...deleting it from the quote because nobody needs to see that shit (sorry not sorry, Vic). It is vomit inducing and I see it on just about every media platform. You can pry fat shaming from my cold, dead, non-obese hands.
  10. Wish I had seen this post yesterday. Furk...
  11. You forgot the murder hornets.
  12. IDEX still tanking hard.
  13. Add IBIO to that list, up over 60% premarket.
  14. Depends on your definition of healthy, but I've got couple Gs at an average cost of $6.75. INO is 10x at six months...I'll take two of those, please. kthx.
  15. Forgot I had an open order at $0.20, it closed right near the bottom of that flash crash lol.
  16. Well, it was up 30%...
  17. I got greedy trying to lowball IBIO yesterday, order never closed. Up 30% today, FML.
  18. Hope everyone nabbed some profit. Time to buy the dip...
  19. FRSX...
  20. What's our target price range on ALPP, btw?
  21. Well yeah. We're Texas, we can't have nice things.
  22. Here's your weekly PSA to #stonk safely and know wtf you're doing, kids. T&Ps. https://www.forbes.com/sites/sergeiklebnikov/2020/06/17/20-year-old-robinhood-customer-commits-suicide-after-seeing-a-730000-negative-balance/#1a5e80a85928
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