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Everything posted by SuperSport

  1. Five minutes until we're all rich. #SNVP
  2. The label says 16 servings per container. It's a lie.
  3. 200k @ .0006, because why the hell not? As an aside, this thread is turning into quite the little P&D operation...
  4. Wrong thread?
  5. Who's down with ALPP?
  6. From your lips to the #stonk gods' ears.
  7. Tell your people to fill my order, pls.
  8. Good call, dipshit. You probably should've bought some.
  9. This fucking market...
  10. I got lucky at $1.02 for a smooth 20% profit, right before it dropped to sub-$0.90. Markets are due for a dip, new order already set for $0.75.
  11. .97 to the moon!
  12. Stumbled across these guys on nike.com a few months back. They’re not UT branded or anything, but the shade of burnt orange is finominle.
  13. I don’t think the payday is necessarily limited by the measurable (or believable, even) value a player’s NIL brings to the company, and attempted enforcement would be a bigger joke than what we have today. If Herman asked Michael Dell (or other “friend of the program”) to promise a $100k deal with [insert 5* recruit] pending enrollment, does it matter if that player’s likeness never adds a single sale? Fuck no, and good luck proving that it didn’t. But as far as the football program is concerned?..doesn’t matter, got rings. This is a HUGE advantage for us, considering the fact that UT Alums/Austin have substantially deeper pockets than the football factories at third-rate universities in bumfuck college towns.
  14. Not surprised. We looked at a newly available HST at Land Rover Dallas on Friday, previous owner blew the engine with about 1300 miles on the odometer. Ugh...
  15. My better half would fill up with unleaded on her first trip to a gas station, so diesel is off the table anyway.
  16. I didn't know the guy, but my friend/roommate shared a cubicle with him at Boeing...he was still showing up for work while the investigation was in its early stages. Even before it happened, my friend had told us on multiple occasions that the guy was probably a psycho. http://www.heraldnet.com/news/bothell-man-gets-28-12-years-for-wifes-murder/
  17. Obviously a lot of negative news surrounding LK at the moment, but something labeled "Chinese Starbucks" seems like a screaming buy even at $2-ish per share (up 50% today). What say the Surly Stonk Illuminati?
  18. Cross-post from the Stupid Wives thread, but she refuses to accept anything other than we're in the market for a Range Rover Sport...probably CPO since I have yet to attain Surly 1% status, but still relatively new. This will be my first venture into the foreign luxury segment, and "terrified" is a gross understatement. I don't know much beyond the fact that they're expensive and devoid of any published safety data; anecdotal tales of absurd maintenance costs and shit reliability concern me. Anyone have some first-hand knowledge they can drop? On a scale of one to South Austin's mom, how fucked am I?
  19. USAA sold their brokerage business to Schwab and there's an account blackout during the transition. Me, for the next two days:
  20. Post the ticker symbol so we can short them.
  21. Selling ACB Friday morning for a 45% profit seemed like such a good idea at the time...
  22. All the reps to @Tailgate, nice little 50% win going on here.
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