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Everything posted by SuperSport

  1. My wife's ability to consistently not answer the question I ask would be really impressive if it wasn't so fucking annoying. My fault for asking her for information I guess, but damn. Me: Is the store in the shopping center before or after the intersection? Her: Take the Park Blvd exit. Me: Which day is your friend's party? Her: Um, it's late February. Me: Does anything sound good to you for dinner? Her: I had a salad for lunch.
  2. Flight crew wasn’t the most outgoing bunch, still managed to score some excellent food and wine though. Also, Boca Juniors were staying at our hotel, which was pretty cool.
  3. Doubtful, Dennis is 6'1".
  4. Thanks for the quick response, I'll def check out the bookface group. And yeah, we were profiting ~50% last time I went, but 35% is still living the good life.
  5. Bump. Might hop down to Buenos Aires with my pops this weekend, I haven't been since 2015 and he's retiring next month. Is dólar blue still a thing?...the exchange Twitter remains active, but I feel like I remember the government trying to clamp down on the market. If so, and anyone knows a reputable (heh) casa de cambio in the Monserrat area, I can reward you handsomely with internet reputations and Best Buy coupons.
  6. Only two Jewish people on a flight from Miami? Sure, buddy, whatever you say.
  7. When I say in the house, I don't mean, like, actually in the house, but I mean it like the way black people use it. Which is more meaningful I think.
  8. Counterpoint: our champion sent to battle him was Drew fuckface Mehringer.
  9. Not to be that guy, but Delta doesn’t operate 787s.
  10. And how exactly does an old wooden ship make our coaching staff better?
  11. Vicious met his spirit animal at Community Brewery last week.
  12. Huh, never realized WarGames was a documentary.
  13. You presume (incorrectly, per 9.95ers) that it was his decision.
  14. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aurora_(aircraft)
  15. Fuel transfer issue between tanks, they didn't "run out of gas." And FWIW, the USAirways narrowbus aircraft are old and janky as shit...beware, especially if you're flying out of PHL, CLT, or PHX.
  16. I mean, what the hell was wrong with this concept?? "Nope, design me a pentagon with wheels."
  17. "...two of which were called on a drive where you had the opportunity to run out the clock, and failed miserably/predictably." Herman is a fraud until proven otherwise.
  18. MH370 laughs at you.
  19. Yeah, but right-click to 'Inspect' was a fucking letdown.
  20. Your RAM get corrupted again?
  21. AAL operates a daily to JFK.
  22. thatsashame.gif
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