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Everything posted by SuperSport

  1. DGAF where she lives or what she does, just needed her identity sufficiently revealed so the internet autists could produce some better pics of those tites from her social media. Still waiting…
  2. Ok, I have to ask a dumb question. Obviously desalination isn't economical at present for our general water shortage issues, but is seawater an option for firefighting and/or de-risking areas of extreme wildfire danger? Just seems crazy that a spot literally on the coast could go up so quickly.
  3. Yeah, I'm Platinum by way of CC spend, so I too can get the club membership directly for a bargain...but then I wouldn't qualify for status in future years. Platinum handcuffs, imo. The real hack with the card though, was you could add up to 10 authorized users for no charge; get a card for the wife and a few friends who travel often, splits up the annual fee nicely. But now, in addition to the "enhanced" $595 annual fee, they're charging $175 for the first three authorized users, and $175 for each additional user after that. Fuck.
  4. Yes, Admirals Club and reciprocal airline lounge access for cardmember plus spouse and children under 18, or two guests. Same privileges, minus reciprocal airline lounges, apply for authorized users. Used to be a killer deal compared to a standalone AC membership, but they just announced a major hike in the annual fee and will begin charging for authorized users ($450 -> $770 for myself + 3 others). AC membership is like $850 these days though, so it’s still a net win.
  5. For all purchases, you get 1:1 miles and loyalty points, plus the bonus 3:1 (miles only) for AA purchases. For the actual travel, wife/kids will collect the miles and loyalty points individually.
  6. It needs to be this, for so many reasons.
  7. Might be my favorite thread every year (minus the death and destruction, of course).
  8. 13th edition of thinking Texas Football is back
  9. I already put a trailing stop at 15%.
  10. Domestic Violence? This isn’t the basketball recruiting thread. …too soon?
  11. IBRX up 28% today! Now if it can just 10x from here, I'll finally make a profit...
  12. Headed south mañana for wife's annual corporate retreat, staying at the JW Guanacaste. Really want to do some offshore fishing on Friday, but we'll see what excursions they offer. Probably spend most of the weekend just getting drunk at the resort, but hopefully we can pop over to Tamarindo for a bit. Also praying I can watch Xavier-UT without too much trouble...
  13. This morning my wife asked me if a Ziploc sandwich baggie can hold two pieces of bread or just one.
  14. I thought you said schedules were the issue. As an airline employee myself (and airline pilot legacy), I try not to begrudge the rank-and-file for demanding their fair share after decades of corporate malfeasance. But ALPA/APA/TWU/IAM (and most other labor unions for that matter) can absolutely get fucked. They have two explicit goals: 1) increase membership (read: increase income from dues), and 2) get their members paid as much as possible for doing as little work as possible. They relish every opportunity to hold the company hostage and have zero interest in its overall health, insofar as 1) and 2) above are unaffected. FUPM, indeed. Sorry for the thread derail, back to your [regularly] scheduled SWA meltdown.
  15. Still a $100k-$200k premium vs. 12-18 months ago for North Dallas and 'burbs. If you want to be West of US-75, you have to go past fucking Celina to find some semblance of affordability.
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